Your heart is blessed with a fresh sense of adventure and excitement today, so don’t miss this chance to make a romantic moment happen!
This is a day to step out of your comfort zone, because getting to know someone who’s not your typical type or trying something totally new with your current partner could bring lots of rewards.
Although exploration is what love is all about right now, you could also have visions of someone you’re connecting with becoming an important part of your romantic future.
If passionate energy continues to fizzle, you might not be able to bring a Taurean wave of warmth to your emotional world or a special connection.
But you’re probably also unlikely to accept a diminished mojo. Does this exist because of repetitiveness in your love life? Have patterns become tedious? Maybe it’s time to start doing something and expecting different results!
The Moon is in Aquarius and in your 10th house today, this is bringing the focus on the public and external aspect of your relationship. Is the image that you present to the world of your romantic partnership an accurate portrayal of the reality of it?
We are so conditioned to hide the “negative” or harder parts of our lives, including our relationships from the outside world. However, there can be something incredibly cathartic and healing when we are honest with the world about the things we are going through in our intimate connections.
This provides you and others with the ability to relate to one another and offer each other possible helpful input on what you’re experiencing.
Also, in regard to the more positive parts of your romantic partnerships, when you have a beautiful relationship with your lover, allowing others to experience that is an inspiration of what healthy partnerships can look like.