Your lover will treat you with greater respect when you do the same for yourself. Thus, take time today to embrace your quiet, calm power as you remind yourself of what your heart wants and needs out of love.
You are in a perfect position to reacquaint yourself with your passionate purpose and get in touch with your more enduring dreams of love. The real you is dying to come out to play.
A reason might exist to cause your confidence to dip or you to see something within a love relationship that you believe is unlikely ever to improve.
However, try not to overthink a love life matter and don’t allow second thoughts to have too loud a voice. If you allow your confidence to rise and ignore any sense of inferiority, guilt or defeat, then improvement can happen imminently.
The Moon is still in Pisces and in your 11th house, however it is also opposing Venus in your 5th house of romance. This is asking you to find the balance between having both romance and friendship be the foundations of your intimate partnerships.
It is crucial of course to have a strong level of pleasure, fun and sexual fulfillment in your romantic relationships, as that is the spark that keeps one engaged and satisfied in a relationship.
It is equally important however to have friendship be a component of your relationship, as it is necessary to have mental compatibility with your lover as well as an emotional/passionate one.
This allows your connection with your partner to be one that brings you close to what you aspire to in your life and vice versa.