Despite your passionate plans, you may see the need to revise them at this time, especially given the big changes happening in your love life now.

You won’t be able to make as much progress as you want to, however, given the retrograde shenanigans coming from macho Mars moving backwards in your 10th House of Public Responsibility.

Persistence mixed with patience is the only way to get closer to your goal today, especially if you don’t want to mess up the progress you’ve already made with the one you love.

Being unsure about your thoughts and feelings toward a sensitive issue in a love relationship can create a wave of confusing emotions.

However, don’t focus too intently on how you intend to bring this matter into the open.

All you need to do is speak from your heart and ensure your message is nothing but truthful.

It’s more important you convey your passionate emotions honestly rather than get caught up in what you’re going to say.

The Moon remains in Sag and in your 8th house, however it is also squaring Neptune in your 11th house.

This is highlighting how having friendship be a foundation of your romantic partnership helps allow the relationship to be more solid and trustworthy.

People underestimate he importance of having a friendship with their significant other, however if you wouldn’t be friends with someone for who they are, why would you be partners with them for the long term?

Sharing that connection with your partner allows you to feel more secure and safe within the relationship which in turn permits you to achieve greater depth and intimacy with them.

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