An unexpected situation in your love life could tempt you to do something you’re usually not always ready to do, and that is to seek the romantic spotlight today.
The bold Sagittarius Full Moon flirts with your 8th House of Intimacy at the moment, fueling you with courage so that you could take a big step toward something special with an irresistible love interest.
Even though you want to hang on to some spontaneity, making a passionate plan of action can be useful right now.
Reaching an agreement with a loved one might feel tricky, especially if they’re keen to be bold and adventurous while you prefer a slow and careful approach.
However, with a Full Moon influencing deep sharing, it’s not impossible to work some magic to create a connection that’s lacking at this time.
Encouraging more collaboration and making clear the benefits of working in tandem will soon bring a solution or agreement that suits both of you.
The Full Moon is in Sag and in your 8th house, it is opposing the Sun in your 2nd house today. This is highlighting the importance of having similar values as your romantic partner, having that be a foundation of your relationship helps you and your partner feel more safe and stable together.
Because when you have similar values, even when you are going through a difficult or tumultuous time in your relationship, you can guarantee that there will be solid ground on which you and your partner can agree on and return to.
This also allows you to feel secure with your partner which enables you to experience more depth and intimacy.