There’s a reason you keep the friends you keep: They know you and love you for who you are. At the moment, however, you may be shaking up your persona, and it could be to embrace new circumstances in your love life.

You want to continue hanging out with your chosen tribe, but if you’re also getting heavily involved with someone new at this time, you might end up changing up certain aspects of your social world.

Your bottom line will continue to be to spend time with people who accept you for who you are: Your true-blue friends will do just that, especially to show you that they support your romantic choices right now.

If you have excess energy, one lucky individual could be the recipient of it! So, do your best to ensure it’s harnessed positively.

It’s also possible to inject a surge of spontaneous imagination into this endeavour, too. If you can add laughter and frivolity into the mix, well, things could get intense, memorable, and in all the right ways!

This is a great time to allow yourself to just enjoy yourself in your romantic partnerships and have some fun! The Moon is in Virgo and in your 5th house of romance. How are you at allowing yourself to just experience pleasure and fun in your relationships?

While yes, it is important to take care of the more “serious” aspects of your partnerships it is equally necessary to remember the lighter parts as well. Because if you forget to do so, you risk getting swamped by all the hard work, that naturally every relationship requires, and feeling like it is more of a burden than something enjoyable and satisfying.

So ask yourself what are some things you can do with your partner or yourself that allow you to tap into those feelings.

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