If a plan or particular person has captured your imagination or caught your eye, then you may need to consider what must be altered in terms of routines and habits to accommodate it or them.

The last thing you want is for any change introduced to be disruptive or problematic. But see how ‘thinking outside the box’ makes your passionate path much smoother and more enjoyable.

What’s important to you today? Speak loud and be proud of what you want to say express yourself with passionate abandon.

Someone special in your life is a source of much inspiration, and you’ll realize that they’ve truly carved out a permanent spot in your heart of hearts.

The wisdom you possess regarding your love relationships goes deep now: Even if you encounter momentary tiffs with your sweetheart, a cool head and patience will prevail.

Are you willing to do the daily work necessary in order for your romantic partnerships to work out? This is a great question to meditate on today as the Moon is in Libra and in your 6th house.

Relationships just like any other aspect of our lives require hard work, discipline and devoting ourselves to them in a consistent way on a daily basis. It is the little things that we do every day that create our larger reality.

Check in and see if there are certain aspects of your relationship that could afford you putting more effort and energy into them.

Maybe it would be helpful for you and your lover to create a daily ritual that you commit to, this allows you to have a time of the day that is completely dedicated to you just being with one another.

Having such a practice allows you to experience more closeness and intimacy as it provides a safe “space” for you to relate and be with one another.

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