Awaken! This month marks a momentous astrological transit that could shape the course of your life. (Yes, it really is that big). On March 6, radical changemaker Uranus will enter your sign until April 2026, a once-in-a-lifetime cycle that marks an extreme departure from the familiar.

As a steady Taurus, sweeping changes can disrupt your steadfast constitution. But things have shifted. Uranus already made a brief visit to Taurus from May 15 to November 6, 2018, igniting the first sparks of your reinvention. Something you started last year could pick up speed now, and this time, the universe is adamant: It’s time to make that greater change.

For the past year or so, you’ve SENSED it coming. This may have ranged from a nagging feeling to a persistent push. But what? How? Where? Clarity has been infuriatingly elusive. Have you felt like that fabled fox jumping for the grapes, never quite leaping high enough to grab one?

All the chaos and confusion has been the handiwork of Uranus in Aries and your twelfth house of hidden influences, a phase that began back in March 2011 and happens every 84 years. You won’t experience this again in your lifetime—and for many Bulls, that news will come as a huge relief.

Things you once counted on fell apart, dissolving your sense of control. Humility was served in large doses, especially hard for Bulls who pride themselves on their reputation or status. Worrying what others thought of you was no longer an option as authentic Uranus stripped away your personas and forced you to stand spiritually naked in front of the world.

Now Uranus enters your sign for an eight-year journey—and some of these plot twists will start to make sense. At the very least, you won’t feel completely at the mercy of some larger karmic forces. But don’t throw out the Uranian gifts with the bathwater! While the side-spinning planet was in Aries, your intuition and creativity reached peak levels. You cultivated a softer side that’s pretty damn appealing.

You started to trust the universe’s wisdom instead of forcing things to go your way. While Uranus was in your twelfth house of surrender, you released your grip on addictive or unhappy situations. Letting go is not the Taurus way, but you’ve learned the hidden power in “accepting the things you cannot change.” Keep that!

One Bull we know spent much of this cycle couch-surfing through Laos, Indonesia and South America, leaving behind a successful real estate career selling tony New York City townhouses and commercial properties. Another Taurus, after losing her expensive possessions in a fire, found herself enveloped by support—and reminded that people, not things, mattered most.

Our Taurus friend Alisa Vitti created a period- and hormone-tracking app ( that became a surprise hit in the iTunes store. And, embracing the Uranian spirit of tech innovation, Ophi’s Taurus husband, Jeffrey, spent the entire Uranus-in-Aries cycle teaching himself 3D printing and design. An inventor was born!

For this next phase of your life, embrace words like “pioneer,” “iconoclast” and “influencer.” With future-forward Uranus in Taurus, YOU are officially the weird kid on the block…and yes, that’s a good thing!

That said, Uranus isn’t exactly comfortable in your sign. It’s in its “fall” here because the energies are such a contrast: Restless Uranus wants change, and steady Taurus craves stability. We recently described Taurus as the “analog” zodiac sign.

Even if you’re tech-savvy and on top of trends, there’s a part of your nature that’s always spinning the classics. Your discerning sign appreciates mastery, tradition, bespoke creations. You like to know the story behind everything and to respectfully preserve that history. Now you’ll find a way to do that with a twist.

Fueling your fire, motivator Mars is racing through Taurus from February 14 to March 31, a once-every-two-years transit that, when combined with Uranus, can make you downright combustible. While you’ll need to watch for a short fuse and hasty moves (careless accident alert!), if you channel this considerable power into a personal goal, your results can blow the roof off! Nobody will have a shred of doubt where YOU stand when these uber-forthright planetary players unite.

But go easy on ’em…for your own sake! Mercury, the planet of technology and communication, is retrograde from March 5 to 28, upping the odds that you’ll be wildly misunderstood. The quicksilver planet is back-spinning through Pisces and your eleventh house of groups and friendship, which can stir up discord within your circle.

A team project might hit the skids, and, since the eleventh house also rules technology, your online messaging and missives could misfire. Back up sensitive data and be extra careful with all things electronic and virtual this month—especially where they involve other people.

March 20 is one of the month’s most active days, with three major astrological events. It’s the kickoff of Aries season as the Sun charges into the Ram’s court for a month. But your spring fever might be a little delayed because Aries rules your twelfth house of rest, healing and closure. With Mars and Uranus frying your circuits, that could come as welcome news. Permission to unplug a few of those live wires: granted!

That day also brings the first of the year’s two back-to-back full moons in Libra, which will illuminate your sixth house of wellness, work and organization. Is there a habit that you really need to kick or a messy part of your life that needs a cleanup? No shame, Taurus: Just get in there and address it with a cool and objective head.

Perfectionism could rear up, along with some anxiety, but try to avoid its chaotic clutches. Remember that you’re going for progress here, and you don’t have to be superhuman. This is the third and final supermoon of 2019, so everything is amplified AND illuminated. Instead of fixating on your flaws, look to where you can get more training to boost your skill set.

The sixth house rules employees. At the Libra full moon, you could hire or fire—or put a slacking member of Team Taurus on notice. Want to give someone a test run as a babysitter, assistant or another kind of service provider? Try them out for a month between now and the second Libra full moon on April 19.

Also on March 20, Mars in Taurus will also form a fast-moving trine with transformational Pluto in Capricorn and your visionary ninth house. Forget patiently waiting: This rare alignment puts you in risk-taker mode. A strategically executed calculated risk could catapult your original ideas into the world, so take a chance today!

Forget being polite—if you’ve got something to launch or announce, make sure everyone hears about it. With power player Pluto in the mix, aligning yourself with a well-connected person could be a shortcut. And by sharing your trailblazing ideas, you’ll be seen as a disruptor—in all the best ways. That’s another one of those new labels Uranus in Taurus wants you to embrace for the new era. Soon enough, you should learn to love it!

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