Home and family are never far from the top of a Taurus’ priority list. And this remains the rule all week as Mercury rounds out its retrograde through Leo and your sentimental fourth house.

Is there a relative or close friend with whom you’re longing for some quality bonding time with? Skip out for a summer visit, be it a fun day trip or a post-work sunset picnic.

You can’t put a price tag on meaningful moments with the people you love and this is the perfect week to make up for any lost time. Your attention could be pulled towards a home clean-up project as Mercury’s backspin beckons you to KonMari all those closets and storage bins that you haven’t opened in an embarrassingly long time.

But all that stuff takes up psychic space! Although you may be dreading this process, you’ll feel about a thousand pounds lighter once you’ve sorted the keepers from the trash.

Pro tip: Since Mercury is in reverse until Sunday, make a “maybe” pile for things you still feel uncertain about tossing—like that vintage Britney lunchbox or the (dated) outfit you wore when you clinched your dream job. You’ll have more clarity on those numbers next week.

This retrograde, which began on July 26, may have churned up some domestic discord, but there’s a good chance those buried issues actually NEED to be dealt with. On Sunday, Mercury will correct course, which will make it much, MUCH easier to talk things out. First question is, are you being inflexible, Taurus?

With your strong sense of ethics, you aren’t quick to waver when you believe something is fundamentally right (or wrong). But this can block progress; especially if other people feel stonewalled by your stubborn stance.

If you want to move the needle in a proactive direction, give people the space to express their dissenting views—or maybe just explain where they are coming from. You may realize that you’ve been misreading their motives all along.

If you’re in the market for a move or want to redo a part of your home, Mercury’s course correction can support this mission between Sunday and September 5. Punch that desired zip code into your Redfin app; surf the shelter blogs and interior decorators’ Instagram feeds. Actually, Taurus, any positive change can make your home feel more like a sanctuary—even rearranging the living room or buying one amazing investment piece, like a leather sofa or a signed work of art.

The weekend could also bring amazing developments for romance, as well as your social life. All year long, expansive Jupiter in Scorpio has been spurring you to spread your wings and take more chances in the game of love.

On Sunday, the red-spotted planet gets in pitch-perfect harmony with open-hearted Neptune in Pisces and your eleventh house of hopes and wishes. Since this is the third (and final) trine (120-degree angle) that Jupiter and Neptune will have made since this past December 2, budding connections could evolve into bonding moments before the week is through.

Talks may turn to your deepest desires and it’s anyone’s guess what you and your closest peeps might dream up. (Starting a cover band or dance troupe? Moving to Oaxaca for a year?) This is the perfect time to introduce your romantic interest to your friend group, or, if you’re in a long-term relationship, to co-host a party and unite your respective friend groups.

Some Bulls might be feeling extra experimental AND willing to take a risk. But since neither planet has a healthy sense of limits and boundaries, don’t act impulsively. Some fantasies play out better in the dream realm than they do in reality. Either way, choose a safe word!

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