Still stubbornly holding on to your solo status? While we understand the value of taking your sweet old time, your languid pace could be fending off interested parties.

Through Saturday, the Sun will linger on in Cancer and your third house of peer-based partnerships. Let that low-pressure friend move in already, Bull. You don’t have to pinky-swear a lifelong allegiance or get a plaque engraved with both of your names to be a tag team.

Test the waters first! Sometimes a one-off project with a coworker, neighbor or sibling can be just as gratifying as a lifelong commitment to a soulmate. If you’re down for a summer hook-up, the local scene could be percolating with hot prospects.

Should you pucker up to a cutie who chatted with you all night at the karaoke bar, enjoy, but keep expectations low. It’s not that this CAN’T go anywhere…but maybe it would be better off heading back to the friend (with occasional bennies) zone.

Coupled Bulls, use the early part of the week to revive a playful spirit in your bond. Don’t give in to post-work fatigue. A couple nights out with mutual friends will revive you both and give life to your bond.

Thursday’s quarter moon in Libra brings a friendly reminder that health is wealth. With these balancing beams shining into your sixth house of work and wellness, see where you can dial down the stress to make time for things like lap swims, cardio classes and preparing nourishing kale salads and acai bowls.

Getting your systems tuned up can also bring relief. Look for apps to help you stay organized and on track. The sixth house rules service: Is it time to hire an assistant or bring on an intern to alleviate some of the workload?

If you’ve plateaued on the job, “volunteering” some time to work alongside a master can bring an invaluable insider’s view—not to mention free training that may elevate your own work in the future.

On Sunday, your attention will be pulled back to Chateau Toro as the Sun begins a luxuriating month-long tour of Leo and your domestic fourth house. You’ll be in extreme nesting mode between now and August 23, an ideal time for lounging, redecorating or hosting friends and family.

If you’re feeling the need to get away, rent an apartment-style Airbnb or shack up with relatives who might have an extra bed in their summer house (or perfectly located downtown apartment!).

The fourth house rules the feminine and this solar-charged phase might bring some game-changing women into your life.

Find new ways to support each other, whether you’re joining forces on a profitable project or getting involved in activism to fight for your collective rights. A home-based business could also keep you busy for the coming four weeks.

Make sure your abode is set up to support your current dreams. Who says it can’t be a sacred oasis AND a production studio?

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