Light those scented tea candles and put the good sheets on your bed! On Monday, June 17, the year’s only full moon in Sagittarius electrifies your scorchingly seductive eighth house, putting you in the mood for amour!

Under this erotic lunar light, casual won’t cut it (although, hmm, a little adventurous romp for single Bulls might not be the worst thing in the world). If you are unattached, you could meet someone with soul mate potential within days of this full moon, or, at least a solid person who’ll remind you how nice intimacy can feel. Of course, a little bit of a good thing can be dangerous because it can leave you wanting a whole lot more! Over the coming two weeks, you can get clear about what you want to call into your life and what you NEED to get out of it.

It’s time to give the commitment-phobes the boot! In a newish union? This is a perfect opportunity to get your mutual desires and visions for your future out in the open so you aren’t operating under any illusions. Solid couples can respark flames, take a significant next step or, if things aren’t tenable, finding a loving and caring way to separate.

Your social circle becomes the subject of much scrutiny over the coming months as intuitive (but foggy) Neptune turns retrograde in your eleventh house of community. Friends, colleagues and even members of social groups are like family to you, Taurus, but not everyone deserves your steadfast support. When you open your heart, you expect others to respond in kind—or at least take your friendship seriously.

But this five-month backspin can give you some clear-eyed glimpses into the behavior of certain people you’re spending a lot of time with. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge what you observe and, even more importantly, react accordingly. Even if you have to cut someone from the squad, remind yourself that dead weight and drama queens never advance a team’s mission. If you really care about someone, have a no-BS chat with them, letting them know why you’re unhappy and spelling out the changes you need to see.

Already issued a few warnings? Stop enabling them and do everyone a favor and let them go. As one of the zodiac’s “fixed” signs, you’re long on patience, which can be a wonderful quality. But if you’re allowing one person to bring everyone else down, you need to look at your own avoidance issues. Rip off that Band-Aid, Bull, and empower the people who deserve it!

No need to worry about winding up “friendless” though. Later on Friday, the radiant Sun blazes into Cancer and your social third house until July 22. As the longest day of the calendar rolls around, you’re ready to step out and magnetize intriguing new people into your circle. And you don’t have to jump up on the stage or go “recruiting.” Folks are going to find you no matter what you do.

If you’re single, this energetic frequency could draw prospects your way—and don’t overlook your own inner circle (or your closest peeps’ closest peeps!). The line between platonic and erotic could disappear this month.

The third house rules local activity, so stay close to home and get to know neighborhood venues, patrons and owners. Take the initiative and appoint yourself entertainment director for a month, organizing pool parties, road trips and wine tastings. And in a surprise move, a onetime competitor might approach you about collaborating, which could be a major win-win!

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