The zodiac signs are guided by one among the 4 fundamental elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. These elements are one of the primary factors which determine their compatibility among one another.

However, there are other parameters too. It might happen that two signs belonging to the same fundamental element might not be most compatible with one another.

So, to dissolve the confusion, we have listed the pairs of zodiac signs which are most passionate and powerful when they are together.


Aries manifests profound qualities of leadership which is reflected both in their professional and personal lives. Other signs which tend to be controlling over their partners in relationships, like Taurus, therefore can be ruled out. Honesty is one of the primary elements the Aries searches in their partner. The fire of passion burns in Aries when it comes to sexual activities too. In this case, Leo or Scorpio can be good options but the best one is the Libra. Aries is drawn towards the Libra’s honest and easy-going nature. Libra’s need for emotional dependency compliments the controlling nature of Aries and lets the Aries explore their partner with passion. Hence, when they unite, they form a very passionate and powerful couple.


The Taurus is a family person. Rooted in tradition, the Taurus finds love-making more intense than the act itself. The romantic Taurus possesses a good compatibility with Virgo who, like them enjoys living a family life. Virgo’s love for the sensuous resonates with Taurus and they form a powerful couple. But if it’s a Sagittarius, the Taurus should really stay away from them. The adventure-loving Sagittarius will never be able to make the Taurus happy.


The jovial, fun-loving Gemini is a great buddy we can have around us. But when it comes to relationships, the Gemini becomes a little difficult for most of the signs. Generally, a Gemini is scared of commitment because it makes them feel bonded. What the Gemini seeks in their partner is intellect and wit. The out-going Sagittarius is the Gemini’s perfect partner. The Sagittarius too is always scared of losing their freedom and who can understand better than the Gemini! The humor a Sagittarius carries impresses the Gemini. So, when these two bond, they feel extremely happy and secured with one another. The down-to-earth Capricorn is the worst match for the Gemini.


The Cancer is an empath. They always seek a long-term serious relationship where they can connect with their partner, emotionally. The emotional and serious Taurus is the best match for the sensitive Cancer. Signs like Leo who are outspoken and can be arrogant at times will hurt a Cancer instead of making them happy.


Full of pride, there is no dearth of suitors for a Leo. However, their unapologetic nature and ego make it difficult for most of the signs to sustain a long-term relationship with them. Aries is the best match for a Leo because of the passion they carry. They express their love to one another with such a grandeur and elegance that none can compete with them. Like their love, their fights are fierce too. However, they will understand each other and get over it. The Scorpio is the worst match for a Leo. Their intensities do not match and they tend to mock the ways of another.


One of the most orderly signs of the zodiacs is the Virgo. The perfectionist Virgo is mostly reserved but attentive towards their partner. The extremely passionate Scorpio bonds well Virgo. They share a very intense emotional relationship with one-another. The well-disciplined nature of Virgo helps to balance the face-paced Scorpio while the Scorpio’s open manifestation of sexuality helps the Virgo to come out of their shell. Sagittarius is the worst match for the Virgo turning them off their adventurous nature.


The Libra is a born-diplomat. They can easily resolve conflicts. While loneliness disturbs them, they don’t gel with people who lack intellect. Always curious, the Libra enjoys meeting people and learning about them. Gemini is the ideal for them. Both of them are extremely articulate and are drawn to each other because of this communication skill and intellect. Libra’s stability also helps the Gemini to stay rooted to the ground. The unimaginative Virgo is not at all compatible with the Libra. Rather, they turn them off the most.

Scorpio- Pisces:

The tough and callous Scorpio is extremely emotional and revengeful. Whatever they do, they do with passion. They are aggressive and dominant when it comes to their romantic partners. When a Pisces bonds with a Scorpio, none can beat them. They are those matches which are in heaven. While the Scorpio understands the emotional Pisces, it is the submissive nature of Pisces which makes the Scorpio utilize their passion and intensity to their fullest. They form a very intuitive couple together. The superficial Aries wards both of them off.


If one thing the Sagittarius hates most…that’s staying in one place! The free-bird Sagittarius is born to travel. They need freedom to survive. Be it in relationship or in life, they will need to experience a new thing literally every day. If anyone wishes to tie them down, they are going to fly away. Who else can understand this need better than the Aquarius? Equally craving freedom, the Aquarius will be able to bring stability in the relationship with their openness and love for adventures; there will not be any boring moment in the relationship. The Sagittarius would hate to be with a family-oriented homely Taurus.


Capricorns are ambitious and dedicated. They know what they want from life and they are focused on achieving that. Even in relationships, they give their best which is also the reason, they try to stay away from it because they are scared of getting hurt. The well-disciplined Virgo understanding this and helps the Capricorn maintain the order. Both of them extremely focused and make a very well-disciplined family when they are together. The careless carefree Gemini is the worst match for a Capricorn.


Aquarius is probably the last man who will keep on protesting even when a gathering has been forced to disperse. If there’s any wrong, the Aquarius will protest. They are always for justice and can go at any length to efface inequality from this world. Libra’s desire for equality draws the Aquarius who gets a partner who will understand the exigency of their protest and help them in ways they can. Always demanding equality, they will give each other their due respect in the relationship too. However, the Cancer might find the Aquarius crazy when it comes to protests where the Aquarius is remotely connected. So, it will not be possible for them to gel together.

Pisces –Capricorn:

Pisces and Capricorn are two opposite poles attracting each other. The dreamy, creative Pisces will draw the earthly Capricorn towards it and their strong faith in achieving their dreams will inspire the Capricorn too. While Pisces will make sure the Capricorn enjoys creative moments, the Capricorn will keep the Pisces rooted to the ground when they are sailing too deep in the abysmal ocean. Pisces always stay away from Virgo who can’t understand their dreamy nature. /by Emilia Gordon

Which one of these are you?


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