Zodiac Stereotypes, photo by Sanne van Kalken

Even astrology isn’t free from generalizations. Whether you just read your Cosmo horoscope every month, or use your natal chart to help guide your life, almost everyone on the planet knows their sun sign. And everyone also knows those pesky stereotypes that every sign gets pegged with. Whether you fall into them or not, here are the stereotypes and truths about each sign of the western tropical zodiac.

Aries (March 21-April 19):

Stereotype: A hothead with no impulse control and a temper to boot.

Truth: In reality, Aries can be great thinkers and leaders. Their cockiness is probably a defensive front and, often, they actually can have many insecurities.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

Stereotype: Lazy and materialistic. Stubborn AF and literally always hungry.

Truth: What most people may see as materialism is just a love for the good things in life. They love to surround themselves with pretty and pleasurable things and take in all the world has to offer. As for being stubborn, that one’s pretty true. Sorry.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

Stereotype: Two-faced. Unreliable and flaky.

Truth: What many people see as being fake or two-faced is actually a Gemini demonstrating their amazing ability to adapt. They have the unique capability to assess the situation they’re in and adapt to fit in and thrive.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Stereotype: Whiny, moody and can literally never-stop crying. Probably has a weird attachment to their mother.

Truth: Cancer’s greatest strength is their sensitivity to the feelings of others and their near psychic ability to know what’s going on. They are the most helpful and giving of the signs. And while some may call them emotional, they actually can be pretty tough and defensive. Also, they literally got the worst name for their sign, so everyone should cut them some slack.

Leo (July 23-August 22):

Stereotype: Selfish and conceited. Think they run the whole planet and everyone loves them.

Truth: Leos are actually some of the most adorable people in the world. They are the most determined of all the signs and are actually very caring. Like the mama lion, if anyone messes with the ones a Leo loves, they better watch out. They really do have big hearts, and do their best to provide for their friends and family.

Virgo (August 23-September 22):

Stereotype: Complete clean freaks, self-righteous and no personality.

Truth: Virgos are the realists of the zodiac. They’re pragmatic and intelligent, and they are often shy or not as talkative, which makes some people think they’re stuck up and boring. But once they feel comfortable and trusting of those around them, they can light up the whole room with their energy.

Libra (September 23-October 22):

Stereotype: An indecisive and spacey idealist. Crazy.

Truth: Libras can be idealistic, but they value knowledge and truth above all else. Even though their enthusiasm can be misconstrued as crazy, it’s just how they express interest. They love freedom of thought and they want to know everything they can about the world.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21):


Truth: Yes, Scorpios are highly sensual and love human interaction, but they are very passionate in general. Whatever it is they are doing, they put their heart and soul into it. Scorpios are all or nothing kind of people.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):

Stereotype: Players and commitment-phobes. Sarcastic jerks.

Truth: Sagittarius are not afraid of commitment, they just love trying new things. They love to learn, to experience, to know and feel all there is to know and feel. They are optimistic and hilarious. They just want to know the world and let the world know them.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

Stereotype: Boring and emotionless.

Truth: Capricorns know that in order to get anywhere and to be anyone, it’s all hard work and perseverance. They are the hardest working of the signs, and they succeed at whatever they put their mind to. Maybe they’re not the most vibrant sign, but they sure get sh*t done.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18):

Stereotype: Distant and emotionless.

Truth: Aquarius is not distant, it’s independent. They are nothing if not self-sufficient. They are the ultimate free spirit and yearn to roam. They have a heart for a cause and are hippies at heart.

Pisces (February 19-March 20):

Stereotype: Drama queen. Also possibly an actual fish.

Truth: Shockingly, Pisces really quite are chill people. They love the arts and are very much an old soul. They crave affection and are immensely creative. The world is a canvas to a Pisces.

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