What makes your sign feel on top of the world- what brings out your most powerful personality traits?

On the other hand, what is it that makes you feel like you might possibly lose control of everything?

These are the most prominent aspects of your personality that make you the most powerful version of yourself, along with what makes you the weakest.


Aries, yours is a sign of blasting forth action. You show power when you’re:

  • forceful
  • truthfully
  • provocative
  • active and progressive
  • aggressive or competitive
  • confrontational when necessary
  • honest
  • optimistic
  • confident
  • fun-loving

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • stagnant and without the right creative outlets
  • antagonistic toward others
  • unable to read emotional subtleties
  • pushy when a light touch will do
  • always fired up, without downtime
  • burnt-out and emotionally brittle
  • fighting meaningless battles.


Taurus is a sign of thriving and stability. You show power when you’re:

  • steady-natured and thorough
  • deeply engaged in a satisfying discipline
  • actively enjoying sensual pleasures
  • creating abundance from your own natural talents
  • strong of body, mind, and spirit
  • rooted in a sense of place
  • tending to life in all its stages of growth

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • stubbornly resistant to change
  • weighed down by your possessions
  • unable to jump on opportunities
  • overindulgent, lazy or dull-minded
  • too set in your ways


Gemini is the sign of fluency and nimble change. You show power when you’re:

  • mentally flexible
  • enlightening the scene with your intelligent humor
  • engaged in the dynamic whirl of life
  • learning something new
  • following a fascination
  • satisfying your curiosity
  • exploring your many sides
  • acknowledging your need for rest, along with motion
  • with stimulating friends or colleagues

You feel powerful when you’re:

  • too tightly wound
  • repeating things you know you shouldn’t
  • putting negativity into the collective stream
  • unable to sustain interest long enough to bring an idea to fruition
  • giving in to cynicism
  • not getting enough “Me” time to center yourself
  • not allowing for silence to hear your own thoughts


Cancer is the sign of emotionality and the home. You show power when you’re:

  • protecting the vulnerable
  • reading the emotional reality of any situation
  • drawing from your imagination
  • able to be yourself in a safe, familiar setting
  • create a homey atmosphere wherever you are
  • intuiting what’s going on, and acting on that information
  • being the keeper of memories, impressions, intimate stories
  • reclusive and fearful of being hurt

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • always on the defense
  • wounded and lashing out
  • only loving toward those in your clan (family, race, nation)
  • unable to see beyond your own problems


Leo is the sign of exuberant creativity. You show power when you’re:

  • larger-than-life with personality
  • dignified and full of self-respect
  • big-hearted, generous, a loyal friend
  • confidently leading and encouraging others
  • expressing the joy of being alive through all kinds of interests just-for-the-fun-of-it
  • matching the exuberance of children
  • exploring the drama of life through the arts, music, theater, etc

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • full of empty boasts
  • constantly in need of attention
  • demanding of special treatment
  • inconsiderate toward other people’s time, efforts, gifts
  • resentful from feeling disrespected
  • taking life too seriously


Virgo is the sign of devotion, healthy living and self-improvement. You show power when you’re:

  • productive and working toward tangible goals
  • tuned into your body and its ability to heal, transform
  • being of service, in a way that enriching you also
  • analyzing systems and processes
  • offering your discerning perspective
  • sharing your gifts as a healer

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • too humble and don’t take credit for your accomplishments
  • always dissatisfied with where you are
  • paralyzed from self-criticism
  • spinning out on the little things that can go wrong
  • worry over all there is to do
  • overly fixated on your aches and pains


Libra is the sign of beauty and art, and romantic love. You show power when you’re:

  • a harmonizing influence
  • playing off another’s energies in a masterful way
  • modeling fairness
  • thriving in relationship
  • creating beauty
  • being stylish, graceful, elegant
  • advocating justice
  • restoring balance
  • being a peacemaker

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • being who you think another needs/wants you to be
  • fearful of direct action
  • avoiding a necessary confrontation
  • unwilling to see the dark, along with the light
  • full of great ideas, that never get executed


Scorpio is the sign of sexuality, the shadows, and great feats. You show power when you’re:

  • exploring the rich, shadowy terrain of the psyche
  • administering strong medicine in a way that has integrity
  • engaged in life’s work that’s totally absorbing
  • aware of your power to heal and transform
  • patiently strategic when waiting for the right time
  • extending yourself to go into someone else’s darkness, for healing
  • soulful

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • heavy with unresolved emotions and dramas
  • stuck in the death part of the cycle with a fixation on destruction
  • too fearful of losing control that you don’t express yourself
  • manipulative or psychically invasive


Sagittarius is the sign of knowledge-seeking and wandering far afield. You show power when you’re:

  • exploring new fields of study that fascinate you
  • planning things to look forward to
  • moving in and out of friend circles
  • sharing your optimistic outlook
  • joyful and friendly
  • testing your personal limits
  • experimenting at your creative edge
  • weaving in many ideas across disciplines
  • sharing your philosophy

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • bogged down in work that’s meaningless for you
  • alienating others by being intolerant


Capricorn is the sign of tradition, perseverance and life’s wintry times. You show power when you’re:

  • committed to life’s work that’s deeply rewarding
  • exerting personal authority
  • feeling respected in your field or community
  • working toward mastery of skills
  • patience with your steady progress
  • compassionate toward your own melancholic feelings

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • all work and no play
  • unable to connect to wonder or mystery
  • too focused on status, convention
  • ruthless in attaining what you want
  • self-denigrating when you don’t meet your own high standards


Aquarius is the sign of far-sightedness and humane values. You show power when you’re:

  • experimenting and following your path wherever it leads
  • daring in your thinking
  • able to think for the group, and see the big picture
  • open to breakthroughs that take you to the next level
  • friendly toward everyone equally
  • not afraid to be considered strange

You lose power when you’re:

  • stuck in an unusual, but rigid matrix of thought
  • defiant in a way that’s self-destructive
  • unable to create any kind of stability


Pisces is the sign of heightened sensitivity and imagination. You show power when you’re:

  • able to release old wounds, and transform miraculously
  • using the power of your imagination
  • tuned into dreams and the spirit realms
  • grounded in a spiritual practice
  • honing your awareness of the subtle intuitive senses

You feel powerless when you’re:

  • absorbing too much of the energies around you
  • overwhelmed, without the time you need to process emotions
  • too involved in saving others, without tending to your own needs
  • losing your moral center because of the need to please
  • overexposed to stimulation, and unable to access the subtle senses
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