There are certain romantic routines that you want to keep, but there are others which should be shown the exit today.
Thanks to the Full Moon in your 10th House of Ambition, you’re motivated to improve matters of the heart, especially if you’ve been relying too much on habitual patterns with someone you love.
Making progress with a mate will feel empowering at this time, especially once you begin transforming your connection from the inside out.
You’ll soon see evidence of your efforts: Conversations will become more intimate, actions will be more concerted and thoughtful, and sexy times will feel like they did in the very beginning of your love affair. A vibrant shift is coming your way, and you couldn’t be more ready.
Today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse puts a huge spotlight on professional developments. But might a romantic opportunity wait in the wings with someone you work with?
Or might a lover be more supportive of a work-related aspiration? Your career offers plenty of intrigue in the romance department. Your next step may need assessing carefully. Give your heart a loud voice now.
The Full Moon is in Aquarius and in your 10th house, however it is also squaring Uranus in your 1st house.
Notice that the more you learn to be centered within your self, the more successful your romantic partnerships end up being and therefore serve as a good example for the world of what a healthy and fulfilling relationship can look like.
It is so important that you take care of your emotional and personal needs just as you do those of your lovers.
So often we can get consumed by the other that we end up feeling empty and resentful. Practice doing things that fill you up and nourish your soul so that you and your partner may be able to do the work out there in the world.