Opportunities to smooth over your relations with co-workers or to balance out and enjoy your daily routines can emerge now that Venus is transiting your solar sixth house until the 24th, dear Cancer.
This cycle is strong for bringing harmony to your everyday life, including your working environment. There may be social opportunities through your work, daily routines, or pursuing health goals.
Today, however, something may be up in the air, or there are unusual circumstances that temporarily throw you off-center. You can also be quite restless with the status quo.
Frustrations can lead to acting out of character, but if you look for the reasons behind your unrest, you put yourself in a better position to make the changes you need rather than merely reacting to frustrating circumstances.
You can’t help but worry about the future, especially when unexpected events at work make you unsure of your ability to cope with change. Although there may be many variables up in the air today, you can amaze yourself with your own resilience while the unflappable Taurus Moon is stabilizing your 11th House of Long-Term Goals.
Instead of letting the uncertainty pull you off center, put it to good use by expressing your dreams through a creative project. Your passion for your art will make a profound statement to others who are still trying to figure out what to do next. Ram Dass wrote, “Be here now.”
Venus has returned to your work sector at a critical time and an important time to give your heart a voice.
With Saturn now just 18 days away from wrapping up a three year visit, Mercury turning retrograde here tomorrow and the Sun in his final weeks, there are a lot of different threads in play.
And that is without even looking at what is developing across the income, work and career fronts. What Venus does is give your heart a voice.
Lucky Numbers: 8, 11, 14, 15, 28, 37
Daily Compatibility: Virgo
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair