Everything in your love life may seem to be coming up roses today, but be careful of a lover’s exaggerations or declarations that don’t seem totally sincere at this moment.
Despite your awareness of the risks involved in following their lead, you’re fairly sure you know the difference between what’s real and what’s sexy spin, inspiring you to take a chance despite potential dangers.
Even though you’re considering diving deep, make sure you know how to swim through choppy waters right now.
Taking an emotional risk can lead to a breakthrough in a challenging and possibly ongoing relationship issue.
You’re willing to dive into your deepest feelings but are dealing with circumstances that sound warning bells in your mind and heart, causing you to approach a love life scenario with caution.
There might be something very familiar with what you’re dealing with now that doesn’t make you feel comfortable.
Try not to overthink this. Proceeding slowly is better than doing nothing.
What are the things that you are fearful about in your romantic partnerships, those things that tend to cause you more mental anguish than most things?
The Moon is still in Sag and in your 8th house. It is crucial that you ask yourself that question, because when you don’t those things that you are afraid start to unconsciously sabotage your relationships as you are projecting all sorts of untrue things onto your partner.
When you are willing to sit face to face with those darker aspects of your psyche, it allows you to experience so much more intimacy with yourself and therefore your partner.
This is also a good time to review the nature of your joint financial investments and agreements within your relationships.