Don’t be afraid of life, don’t be afraid of unexpected turns and even returns to something of the past.

Be patient with others who may not catch on as quickly as you do. Content with themselves will be those of you who are calm and do not create conflicts.

Do not hesitate and apologize for your wrongs. You need to appraise the situation in your own way and your own time, do not intend to be hurried by anyone into making a move before you are ready.

Trips are in your favor now. You have to postpone the discussion of new important decisions and the initiation of changes.

The changes you are considering will allow you to complete long-since started tasks. Avoid self-deception and do not overdo yourself.

If you believe you could make a beeline to your romantic destination without putting in some extra effort right now, you’ll likely encounter disappointment.

A path you want to take in your love life may sound extra exciting at this moment, but you’ll be better off doing what has worked for you before.

Being bold is one thing, but being reckless in matters of the heart is quite another. Stay observant about what you see in front of you.

The cosmos may be showing you yield or stop signs, and it’s up to you to spot them and alter your trajectory accordingly.

You might believe you know what’s best for a loved one and have their best interest at heart in all you do.

However, making any decisions on their behalf could invite a wave of tension and be the catalyst for confrontation.

Even if you’re certain your decision is the right one, your paramour won’t thank you for leaving them out of a decision-making process.

This is nothing open communication won’t keep at bay, and listening is just as important as being listened to.

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