The Sun enters your sign today, dear Aries, kicking off a month-long cycle in which personal influence is strong and personal plans are on the front burner.

Even so, a Full Moon happens to occur now as well and is a quick reminder of the needs of a partner or a relationship. Whatever comes to light now is tied into brave new beginnings next month.

It comes at a time when Venus and Mars clash and tempers are quick to flare if you’re not getting your way! Your desires can feel overwhelming right now, but equally challenging to fulfill.

You might choose to roll with the emotional excitement by keeping your expectations in check and enjoying a little competitiveness with others since frustrations now can help fuel motivation to do better.

Relationship issues, a personal matter, your true feelings about someone, or a partner’s needs might come to light now. Epiphanies occurring now and in the week ahead are significant, but taking action on them should wait.

You’re proud and delighted when someone’s true character is revealed by the actions they took when no one was looking. You never personally had any doubts, but friends or family members may have wondered.

Their worries are washed away now, courtesy of the Libra Full Moon’s presence in your 7th House of One-to-One Relationships, providing you with proof that your instincts are spot on and your trust is well-founded. Sometimes, another person’s opposition clarifies your own feelings.

There is a chance that life will rush at you a little too fast at times today, making it important to start the day determined not to sweat the small stuff.

The Sun’s return to Aries today brings you to the start of your birthday month and new solar year, but a Full Moon just hours later might get things off to an intense start.

This is a Full Moon that will always fall at some point during your birthday month, making sure you are not asleep at the wheel. The difference this year is that there is little time to prepare. Yet it also means you won’t move into this new solar year on autopilot.

Today’s Quote: “Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.”

Lucky Numbers: 9, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36

Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Fair

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