The New Moon today brings a renewal of professional steam and the ability to overcome stumbling blocks in your career, dear Cancer, although you’ll need some patience to get all of this going.

You’re likely to reach higher in the coming weeks. This lunation brings extra power and fresh energy to your professional goals, your career itself, your life-path goals, or to your standing or reputation.

It’s the most public time of the year for you a time when others notice you for your accomplishments.

Others’ vision of who you are does affect your life, and this can be an excellent time to make an impact, dispel rumors, or begin a new business project. There may be some hurdles to clear, but nothing you can’t handle.

Leadership qualities or abilities are prominent now, and your increased awareness of your reputation can motivate you to align your goals more closely to what you believe, serving as a reminder that you are part of a larger system, and an integral part, too.

A taste of freedom is just a glimmer of things to come. Your urge to break from a cocoon is nudged along by the chance to rub shoulders with an amazing group of intellectuals, artists, or eccentric characters today.

The restless Aries New Moon pours so much energy into your 10th House of Public Affairs that staying anchored to home base doesn’t seem like an option.

There are no four walls powerful enough to contain you when you’re so compelled to bust out and sprout new wings. Step into the adventure zone, have a look around, and make yourself known.

It is said that any journey begins with one small step and while that is technically true, in reality this is the second step.

The journey actually begins with the choice to take that step and right now, when it comes to your personal and professional goals and ambitions, this is where you are at.

Yesterday’s New Moon has exposed the goals you would aim for if you were braver or the time was right, but in a way that doesn’t put pressure on you. For the Moon isn’t asking for that first step, but the choice to begin the journey, with time to gather your resources.

Today’s Quote: “Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”

Lucky Numbers: 14, 15, 30, 31, 46, 48

Daily Compatibility: Scorpio

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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