Today’s New Moon can be motivating, stimulating new interests, dear Cancer. As your interests change, you’re likely to make unusual connections.

You’re in great shape for dabbling in various projects and keeping abreast of the goings-on around you now and in the weeks ahead. You’re exposed to ideas that open new worlds for you now, and you can be particularly excited about a project.

Mental stimulation and variety are motivators. Opportunities can come from or through friends, groups, meetings, and communications. Exploring different ways of relating and communicating can be satisfying.

Efforts to learn or develop skills are favored. Breakthrough thinking or sudden, positive discoveries can happen, and freeing yourself from a burdensome commitment or chore may figure strongly.

The coming weeks are favorable for new writing projects, friendships, courses, transportation opportunities, and relationships with siblings and neighbors. Today, aim to listen to your hunches but avoid taking action on them until you’re sure of yourself.

Important conversations plant the seeds for manifestation. You’re encouraged to create your life with your word as the precision-focused Virgo New Moon fertilizes your 3rd House of Communication.

Warm up your verbal exchanges by sharing personal stories to break the ice and start off on the right foot.

Your intuition is heightened, so read between the lines; nonverbal cues may signal a message beyond what someone is saying. Forget the accusations and assume the best in everyone. Kindness starts with you.

Yesterday’s New Moon in your communication sector was more than just an opportunity to give the communication lines and new ideas a boost. This is going a long way towards a healing process on both the personal and relationship fronts.

With the Moon still in your communication sector but aligned with Venus and Mars, the planets of love and passion, this is a chance to speak from the heart.

This comes just as a parade of planets moving through your communication sector is drawing closer to a friendly aspect to planets on the relationship front. This is a complete turnaround from the last few months.

Today’s Quote: “The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 11, 25, 30, 43, 49

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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