Today’s New Moon brings take-charge energy for dealing with matters of the past, dear Libra. This is one of the most spiritual periods of the year with this lunation occurring in your solar twelfth house and a host of planets in the same sector.

While it’s a cycle that happens yearly, it’s likely to be more pronounced this time around due to the unusual focus on this sector of your solar chart. The twelfth house rules the endings of matters, as well as a deeper level of understanding.

It’s a time when you may recognize the limitations of certain past efforts, and ideally come to an understanding of what to eliminate and what to take with you as you go forward. You may be reflective during this period, which is quite natural.

Listen attentively to your intuition and your dreams. You’re in excellent shape for sizing up situations and seeing the rhyme and reason behind what you used to feel were odd behaviors of others in your life. You might reason through ongoing problems or issues from your past that keep re-emerging in your consciousness when you least expect them.

You can gain a stronger sense of being in control of your life as you work out why things have happened and especially why they’re still relevant to you. Good energy is with you for resolving problems and for self-understanding.

Asking yourself what someone who loves themselves would do is the fastest way to find your answers now. The Virgo New Moon rattles your 12th House of Completion, helping you release what no longer serves your best interests.

There is no reason to allow toxic behavior in your sphere. Pour your heart out to your best friend or spend time in private introspection today. Fully process your emotions so you can freely move on.

It is impossible to avoid a need for time out to hear yourself think today, with not only every planet that will visit a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart this year here today but the Sun and Moon as well. You literally have the Sun, Moon and stars encouraging you to spend time navel gazing.

All these planets are winding down cycles, from the wind down of your current solar year to your current Mercury, Mars, Venus and even Juno cycles. With all returning to Libra over the coming weeks, this is a chance to reflect on the past and also to start daydreaming about the future.

Today’s Quote: “The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.”

Lucky Numbers: 15, 18, 25, 27, 28, 30

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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