A Sun-Uranus square occurring now is revealing but can also be a bit disruptive, dear Cancer.
It’s the final such square happening in certain areas of your chart triggered areas for the past seven years, and now coming to the point of resolution.
These are your career/reputation sector in conflict with your partnership sector, and the resulting tension can be frustrating but can also stimulate a meaningful change.
The Mercury-Pluto alignment occurring today is useful for pinpointing areas that need a new or more focused approach in order to transform and improve, primarily related to your close relationships or relationship needs.
There is intensity today, but potentially the kind that leads to wonderful and necessary change. Avoid quick reactions.
If others seem a little too pushy today, know when this may be going too far and redefine your boundaries. Otherwise, this can be a time for gaining a new understanding of someone’s point of view, and it can be educational.
A commitment made when swept up in a rush of emotions can seem a lot different once that flood of feelings subsides.
Perhaps in an ideal world, you could make every decision from a place of perfectly levelheaded logic.
But that’s not the way that real life works. You’re a passionate person, and those passions influence so much of what you do.
If you don’t like a bargain you recently struck, there is almost certainly a way to renegotiate it. Break out your thinking cap and rewrite your future.
The Moon’s return to Cancer today is important for both you and your relationships, though it might create some intensity over the next few days.
It was the Moon’s return during the Sun’s first full day in your relationship sector that created a Full Moon just before Christmas, which may have seen your personal and relationship needs clash.
The Moon comes full circle to find the Sun still here, but in his last full day this is a chance to flush out what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
Today’s Quote: “We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.”
Lucky Numbers: 6, 17, 26, 36, 38, 47
Daily Compatibility: Taurus
Creativity: Good
Love: Excellent
Business: Good