Mercury moves back into your sign today, dear Cancer, where it will spend the rest of its retrograde until the 31st. Mercury will continue to transit your sign until August 11th, but while it’s still retrograde until July 31st, some personal plans may stall or regress.
It’s time to review rather than draw important conclusions or finalize agreements. If it takes you a little longer to come to decisions, so be it!
Allow yourself room to think and decide rather than pressure yourself to draw quick conclusions. Today’s energies encourage taking things easy and reserving judgment. Later today, the Moon moves into your adventure sector, and you seek a little more interaction.
Speak from your heart and the rest will follow. Unfortunately, you might think it is easier to hide today than to deal with the possible repercussions of sharing your feelings.
The temptation to flee and imagine yourself emigrating to a new country may play games with your head. However, these escapist fantasies contain a kernel of wisdom in that they reflect what you want to see more of in your daily reality.
Thankfully, this is not an either/or situation. Let others know what you desire if you wish to include them in your journey. When you commit to a vision, the universe rises to meet you.
Normally spending just 14 to 15 days in Cancer each year, Mercury had already been here for three weeks before he left last month and now he has retrograded back in to spend another three weeks here.
This is an extraordinarily long time that you get to spend with this smart and intellectually savvy planet at your side and in retrograde motion for the rest of the month, even offers a chance to return to the drawing board.
Today’s Quote: “Fake It Until You Make It! Act As If You Had All The Confidence You Require Until It Becomes Your Reality.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 12, 27, 30, 33
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair