Retrograde Mercury moves back into your public and professional sector today, dear Libra, and until the 31st, watch that you don’t unwittingly misrepresent yourself with what or how you communicate.

Double-check your facts before jumping to conclusions. It’s a good time for review, but not the best period for clear-cut answers. Reconsider things, but consider waiting it out before arriving at firm conclusions, if possible.

Nevertheless, it’s a good time for business ideas that are a little outside the box but workable. If there are delays, you get the chance to see a matter in a different light.

After the 31st, you’ll feel better equipped with the information you need to move things forward. Mercury will then retrace its steps and you’ll feel far more equipped to make decisions.

The tide appears to be coming back in as an old issue resurfaces at work. Right when you thought you could move on, you are faced with the same predicament once again.

Your instincts are activated and you may need to mobilize every fiber of your being to deal with the situation.

The good news is you have handled this complication before, and you are adept at surfing these familiar waves. Hopefully, a new creative response will wrap up this issue once and for all.

Timing is everything and that is definitely the case with the Moon’s return to your work sector today. Despite the fact that this will put the Moon here over the weekend, this is a chance to fast track the reconstruction phase.

It was just days ago that the Moon, as a lunar eclipse was putting maximum pressure on the Sun, now in his final days in your career sector.

Back on friendly terms, there is a general coming together of forces across the job and career fronts, which could do more than fuel your job and professional confidence.

Today’s Quote: “Fake It Until You Make It! Act As If You Had All The Confidence You Require Until It Becomes Your Reality.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 17, 35, 38, 47

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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