Today is favorable for the motivation to sort out money matters or valuables, dear Cancer. This theme will continue further this week. Taking charge of money and business matters that have fallen out of view can be empowering.

Feeling on top of your practical affairs makes you feel great. Today is good for keeping busy and taking care of business. Long-term goals and performance are strong on your mind with the Moon spending the day at the top of your solar chart.

You’re likely to find that cooperation and support from others flow naturally right now. You can see how your recent efforts are starting to pay off as the Moon forms a trine to Jupiter in your work and health sector.

Take a giant step closer to your professional goals today. You could receive recognition, a promotion, or a shot at a leadership position or perhaps a whole new job falls into your lap.

Run your ideas by a savvy colleague or mentor. Be on guard for power struggles. Stick to your long-term strategy, especially if someone tries to make you veer off-topic or reveal your whole hand.

You may unexpectedly find yourself in front of an influencer or decision maker now. Stay prepared so you don’t have to scramble in the face of pressure.

When Mars left your income sector over the weekend he left you with the warrior spirit needed to fight for what you deserve and now it is up to the planets still here to preserve his legacy.

With Venus leaving tomorrow, the Sun and Juno later in the week and Mercury next week, it is time to start making things happen.

Yet in her last full day here Venus is still more focused on the ‘what’, knowing that Mercury and his smart head for money can focus more on the ‘when, where and how’ after she leaves.

Today’s Quote: “It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 14, 22, 36, 37, 47

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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