The Moon spends another day at the top of your solar chart, dear Cancer, and you’re in an especially goal-oriented frame of mind.
Fortunately, you have support for productivity today, mainly related to creative pursuits, studies, and shared activities.
Watch for power games and people who are playing them now with Mercury in minor challenging aspect to Pluto. You have more important things to do.
Try your best not to absorb the stress and tension of the people around you, and instead find something you love doing and direct energy into it.
Today is good for self-assertion and the discovery of new and exciting methods for accomplishing your goals. You are bringing more oomph to your projects, routines, or work.
People might brand you as someone whose moods change like the tides. However, your emotional flexibility has its merits, even if others are not aware of them.
Although you may appear to be extreme in your reactions as your feelings fluctuate throughout the day, you’re simply processing a wide spectrum of possibilities before you decide which position is worth defending.
Don’t fall into the trap of making a choice too soon because the cosmic energy is still in flux. Remember, letting go of the old is how you make room for the new.
While the Moon is giving you a window into the major forces in play on the job and career fronts, playful and adventurous forces are just as strong and determined.
Right now this a protection against life becoming all work and no play and you have that protection for the rest of the year.
The problem is that while both job and career forces will continue to escalate in the New Year, playful forces won’t.
That protection you have now, making a balance between work and play possible, isn’t here to stay so needs to be taken seriously.
Today’s Quote: “Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 2, 9, 32, 36, 42
Daily Compatibility: Scorpio
Creativity: Good
Love: Fair
Business: Good