With the Sun and Mercury coming to an alignment in your privacy sector, dear Cancer, there can be a strong urge or need to talk about and analyze the past today and tomorrow.

You might enjoy an epiphany or experience illumination regarding a private matter. You might see something you failed to see before, or a conversation can bring up new information that allows you to come to a more definite conclusion.

This can involve reawakening an old topic or the seeing of a past matter in a new way. There can be a releasing or purging moment involved with bringing something to light, too. You’re inclined to analyze and process recent events or ideas, and ideas coming to you now can be highly significant.

You’re eager to share your feelings with anyone who will listen today. But when you finally have a candidate within earshot, you begin to realize that there are plenty of facets of your current circumstances you don’t wish to reveal.

Thankfully, no one will pressure you into confessing more than you want now; whatever you say must come willingly from your heart.

With Jupiter already in retrograde motion in a playful part of your chart and Neptune two weeks away from turning retrograde in an adventurous part of your chart, there are growing opportunities for a do over.

This is a chance to reverse not just the trend of recent months but recent years, where life has become all work and no play. With Jupiter and Neptune working in tandem, even the old excuses no longer cut it.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-trust is the first secret of success.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 20, 28, 33, 35, 38, 42

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

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