Try not to be too suspicious if something you have always wanted is offered to you on a plate.

With lovely Venus in your sector of shared resources and upbeat Jupiter in your leisure zone, this positive aspect can see you being the recipient of one or two opportunities or gifts. Be open to receive Cancer, knowing that you fully deserve everything that comes your way at this time.

Your day is like a blank canvas, waiting to be filled in with your activities. Your anticipation grows as you put the various pieces in their places. You have high hopes today, and don’t want to blow it by scheduling too much.

Unfortunately, you could leave yourself enough downtime that you waste your momentum. Give the planning stage your absolute best, but then let it go. It’s wonderful if you accomplish everything, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t.

As Mercury spends his first weekend in your financial sector and Venus her last, they allow you to come at money matters from two different angles.

Two days after the Moon left your income sector, wrapping up a lunar eclipse that brought income and money matters to a head, you’re now dealing with a full deck of cards. Knowing where things stand allows you to start making choices, decisions and plans, ready now to take your power back.

Today’s Quote: “We can bring positive energy into our daily lives by smiling more, talking to strangers in line, replacing handshakes with hugs, and calling our friends just to tell them we love them.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 13, 20, 26, 45

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

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