Mercury turns direct after a few weeks of retrograde motion, dear Cancer, and you’ll begin to feel the fog lifting in the coming days, particularly in the areas of work, career, and reputation.

A New Moon occurring today pushes these things further. Recent feelings of a lack of direction or of being in the dark about key areas of your life have left you in a state of limbo, which is now likely to dissipate.

You’re becoming clearer in your goals, and career matters tend to resume or pick up speed, perhaps dramatically now. Today, there can be some confused plans and communications, so be as clear as possible in all of your dealings or put off complicated discussions temporarily.

In the week ahead, you can become aware of new responsibilities and let old plans and projects fall out of focus. This is a powerful time of year for career moves and some of the bigger life decisions and plans.

Moving your work ahead is vital and invigorating for many of you now. Opportunities for improving your image or reputation can surface.

Your private life may be more on display today than you prefer. You don’t mind sharing your inner world with someone on a one-to-one basis when your defenses are not on alert.

But the expressive Aries New Moon highlights your 10th House of Public Status, dragging your feelings out into the open for all to see.

Although you might be quite sensitive to the needs of others, you’re not happy about the potential for emotional exposure. Do what you must so you are not in a position of unnecessary vulnerability.

You have reached an important turning point in your professional year, as you reach three important milestones on the same day.

As Mercury spends his first full day in direct motion in your career sector and Uranus moves into the final month of an eight year visit, a New Moon gives everything that has been held back the green light.

The hand brake comes on just as a tailwind is able to sweep things forward. This is the day that everything changes.

Actor Vin Diesel said, “It’s insecurity that is always chasing you and standing in the way of your dreams.”

Lucky Numbers: 10, 13, 18, 44, 47, 49

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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