Your sensitivities are heightened regarding friendships and your community today, dear Cancer, and you can feel strongly about a particular cause, or you’re especially aware of the dynamics of a friendship.
While sensitive, you are also quite open to allowing others into your life, and this may lead to the beginning of a new friendship or association. Watch for the temptation to force an issue or to try to “get your way” later today.
Consciously aim to slow yourself down. Plans are unlikely to move forward at lightning speed right now, but your personal life could certainly bring rewards if you open yourself to the opportunity.
Locating a needle in a haystack takes a lot of patience and persistence. Your determined behavior may demonstrate your unwavering hope about a social gathering or community event.
You can’t help but believe that if you hang in there through some stilted, awkward, or dull conversations, there’s a heartening connection yet to be found.
It’s so wonderful when two people are instantly comfortable with each other, it’s like recognizing a kindred spirit. The genuine possibility of discovering a new ally makes the search worthwhile. Be the friend you wish to find.
If you are used to working in bursts or even pushing yourself to the limit over an extended time, you have reached a point where you can no longer get away with that.
Not if you want to remain productive. Whether at work or whatever it is that keeps you busy, a slower but more sustained and consistent pace will get you much further.
Not just today but over the coming weeks and months, with the gods pulling the plug on doing too much too fast. This is all about running a marathon and not a sprint.
Today’s Quote: “Be brave to stand for what you believe in even if you stand alone.”
Lucky Numbers: 8, 19, 22, 24, 33, 34
Daily Compatibility: Virgo
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Good
Business: Fair