With a Mars-Saturn minor challenge today, dear Taurus, just when you think you’ve gotten through, something comes up to remind you otherwise.
Your best strategy today is to make yourself perfectly clear, without sounding too business-like or arrogant. The truth can hurt, but just for the moment. In the long run, more pain and frustration come from lack of clarity.
The Moon spends the day in your sign once again, and as spontaneous as this transit usually is, there can remain a feeling of being torn over how you want to proceed with your plans.
Nevertheless, chances to enjoy yourself and feel good about the future are sure to pop up now. Once over a small hump, you’ll be most enterprising.
You can ride a powerful wave of confidence to nearly any shore of your choosing today. Show gratitude for the friends and loved ones that are cheering you on.
A heartfelt connection might be at the epicenter of the earthquake that generates this tsunami of optimism. Take the vitality of your can-do attitude as far as possible, and you may have some amazing tales this evening with which to regale your supporters.
Getting there is only fifty percent of the fun; sharing is the other half. Your enthusiasm inspires others to see the brighter side of life
The Moon is making both its first visit to Taurus since Mars left and the last before the Sun returns, giving you a chance to look back, look forward and also gain an intuitive read on the here and now.
This is a real blurring of the lines between the past, present and future with your intuition and imagination having direct access to all three.
You are able to look back on the things that Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos inspired and even what you regret in hindsight passing on, while incorporating this into new exceptions.
Today’s Quote: “Be brave to stand for what you believe in even if you stand alone.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 10, 22, 27, 31, 42
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Creativity: Fair
Love: Fair
Business: Good