The Full Moon today may bring fruition or closure to a communications, learning, or mental project for you, dear Cancer.

Information may come to light that changes your perspective about a matter, and emotions run high. In fact, your life can feel a little chaotic temporarily.

Keep in mind that what you perceive today is likely to be exaggerated, but there is essential truth in it, so pay attention!

Avoid getting too caught up in what others are doing, thinking, or saying, as it’s important to get in touch with your own needs rather than reacting to what you feel is expected of you.

The desire to expand your mind dominates now. If you need a push or some extra courage to do something new, this Full Moon can undoubtedly help.

Tomorrow’s direct motion of Mars is another step in this direction. Pluto is strong and challenging today, and it’s tricky energy, particularly with close relationships.

Interactions can feel guarded, or you could sense that someone is either holding back or trying to control or direct you, which can be frustrating.

Those close to you can be very touchy and sensitive now, too. Focus on breaking out of old patterns of relating that haven’t been very successful in the past.

Safety is essential for you to trust enough to open up to others. However, you might prefer to hide in a cave and say nothing at all if you fear being rejected when you air your concerns.

Nevertheless, nourishing connections are maintained when there is unconditional love. Allowing others to express their reactions sets yourself free to respond authentically. Be amenable to another viewpoint, but remain loyal to your experience.

A Full Moon in an adventurous part of your chart is just what the doctor has ordered. There is something about these adventurous lunar vibes that will not just fuel a sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure, but come with a sense of nostalgia.

This is breathing new life into old dreams and if this does nothing more than inspire you to dust off your bucket list, then it has done its job. Before the year becomes even busier, choose to embrace this.

Today’s Quote: “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 31, 35, 40, 41, 48

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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