The Solar eclipse in your sign tonight sets up powerful energy for asserting your independence and beginning anew, dear Cancer.
It’s strong for personal reinvention, making a positive impact, education, and relationships with extended family.
There can be a big attraction to cultural events and exotic places or activities that take you to new places and expand your mind.
Early today, though, try to avoid a tug of war with a Sun-Pluto opposition directly challenging you.
This can set off relationship problems that have been brewing under the surface of things.
Deliberate actions tend to meet convoluted problems, but a convoluted approach doesn’t necessarily fare much better!
You could be dealing with a difficult person or situation, or a conflict emerges now.
However, you can come to a better understanding of where you may be overly attached to something that is preventing you from growing.
Look for ways to reclaim personal power by first determining where you’re giving it away. This will help clear the decks from brand new beginnings.
It’s imperative that you love yourself first. Current partnership challenges reveal where you could pursue a path of forgiveness while this eclipse is illuminating your axis of self and others.
You cannot receive what you do not give, and you cannot give what you have not received.
Take care of yourself with the same compassion with which you nurture your loved ones.
Forgive yourself of mistakes, release others from the bonds of guilt, and experience the power of self-liberation.
Regardless of when your birthday falls, whether you’ve already celebrated or it is yet to come, this is the day for taking your future in both hands and embracing it with every fibre of your being.
Today’s solar eclipse in Cancer is the first since 2011, but the first of this significance in 17 years.
The New Moon that will always fall at some point during your birthday month is a chance to commit to your new solar year, the future and the journey ahead.
As a solar eclipse, the difference is that the future is also committing to you.
Today’s Quote: “Sometimes it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence.”
Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 33, 34, 38, 39
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good