While good energy continues for your inner world, depth emotions, and intimate connections, dear Cancer, today is a time for remembering to have fun, entertain and be entertained, and get creative.

You’re likely to wrestle with this earlier today but own it as the day progresses. As the Moon aligns with Jupiter today, you can enjoy happier moods and a stronger ability to take daily affairs in stride.

There is a sense that you are more in charge of your happiness, and of course, this is the case. This transit amps up emotions surrounding the joys of romance, love, entertainment, and creative activities in your life.

It really doesn’t matter how young or old you are now, your inner child is poised and ready to rise to the occasion. However, people expect you to meet your obligations before heading out to the playground for a self-declared recess.

Nevertheless, you could get away with a well-timed escape if you plan it in advance. But overextending your break would be a mistake. The sooner you return to work, the earlier you’ll be able to call it quits for the day. Neale Donald Walsh wrote, “The struggle ends when gratitude begins.”

In normal circumstances today’s playful and romantically charged lunar vibes would be something fleeting to be embraced. And with life only getting busier, this would bring a chance to find a balance between work and play while you can.

That is still the case, but these playful and romantically charged forces are stronger and more enduring than you might think. An alignment with Jupiter allows the planet of luck and expansion to flex his muscles.

Lucky Numbers: 1, 16, 18, 39, 44, 46

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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