Some days call for action, but for others, taking the path of least resistance works in your favor, dear Cancer, and that’s the likely scenario today with the Moon in your home sector all day, and very little astrological activity.

You don’t always have to be “on,” and in fact, if you were, others would tire of the theatrics! You might decide to gather your thoughts, collect yourself, and get in touch with your need for security and comfort, as this will better prepare you for busier and more outgoing days to come.

You’re quite happy with the background today. Pallas has recently exited your sign and is currently spending time in your resources sector along with Mercury.

This puts a little more emphasis on building up your resources and fuels your ambition to get yourself feeling more secure and grounded.

It also boosts your confidence when it comes to expressing and sharing your natural talents, and this theme is with you until September 3rd. Creative business or money-making ideas come readily to you now.

Your family tree is casting shade on your heart today. You might be feeling a sentimentality regarding your roots and bloodline, or a growing attachment toward tradition and culture.

Be aware of where you may be relinquishing your power. Sometimes an overly amenable disposition masks fears of inadequacy or an inability to receive.

Be generous out of self-interest, but also remember how to graciously accept support. All that you give to others you give to yourself.

It was three weeks ago that Mercury returned for what should have been a two week visit to your income sector, giving you the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game.

Yet long after Mercury should have moved on, this smart and intellectually savvy planet is instead slowing down ahead of next week’s retrograde turn.

With the Sun returning early next week to throw the solar spotlight onto your income situation and matters, you have time to explore your options.

Today’s Quote: “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.”

Lucky Numbers: 15, 17, 36, 42, 45, 48

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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