With the New Moon occurring in your second house tonight, dear Cancer, you receive wonderful energy for improving your finances and tending to your personal possessions.

The impulse to buy something can be sudden and should probably be tamed just for now until you get a plan in place.

Ideas, and especially money-making ones, come to you with force and passion. Receive and enjoy them, and sort them out patiently as you go along. This can be the start of something exceptional!

Also today, Mercury turns direct in your sign after retrograde motion, sharing time in your resources sector and your sign. In the coming days and weeks, contemplation should pay off.

If you’ve been looking back, reviewing, and editing, you’ll begin to enjoy the rewards of these efforts. Gradually, you’ll make more informed choices as new information comes in.

What you focus on grows. The noble Leo New Moon sheds light on your 2nd House of Personal Resources, prompting you to track what you provide and what you keep in reserve.

If your needs are not fulfilled, you cannot expect to tirelessly serve others for very long. Recalibrate your intake and outflow so that you are not depleting yourself.

Fortunately, confusion lifts and clarity returns as cerebral Mercury finally turns direct. Once you know what you need, you can ask for it. Miracles happen when your words align with your intentions.

The Moon’s departure from Cancer today wraps up a two day period that was a chance to take care of some housekeeping.

The Moon moved across the access points for two eclipses over the last four weeks, while Mercury retrograded back to the scene of the lunar eclipse two weeks ago.

Together this may have brought up some old baggage, but this really was the last sweep to get everything out in the open. Mercury turns direct just a few hours after the Moon leaves and just before aligning with the Sun to make this the perfect day to draw a new line in the sand.

Today’s Quote: “Count your blessings, not your problems. Count your own blessings, not someone else’s. Remember that jealousy is when you count someone else’s blessings instead of your own.”

Lucky Numbers: 10, 31, 37, 40, 45, 49

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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