The Moon’s move into your home and family sector can awaken your needs for more simplicity and familiarity, dear Cancer. Even so, a yearly Sun-Neptune conjunction influencing the day encourages some extra fantasy and imagination.

This transit promotes the release of tension and resentment and the embracing of compassion, and for you, this can be through learning new things or finding inspiration through new experiences or perspectives.

Your fantasies of escape or exotic experiences are strong today. Meandering away from your usual routine can lead to valuable insights and exciting adventures.

You’re unlikely to choose traditional routes for expressing yourself now, and you can find that you are more successful as a result. Publishing opportunities, trips, money ideas or money itself can emerge in unusual ways for some of you.

While you dream of other times and places, you’re happiest in the emotionally familiar surroundings of your home and family. Although there may be no other place you wish to be now, you can sense a subtle uneasiness that lurks just out of sight.

You don’t know whether it’s wiser to let the strange feelings simmer or to go searching in the shadows for the missing pieces to the puzzle of reality. Unfortunately, too much looking only blinds you from the truth.

If you stumble upon any spare time in your day, avoid the temptation of filling it with getting ahead on your ‘to do’ list. Whether you feel you should get a head start on work projects, things around the house or other things that need doing, the short response is don’t.

With Jupiter in his last weekend in direct motion in a playful part of your chart and six planets lined up in an adventurous part of your chart, your only priority today is to embrace the weekend spirit.

Lucky Numbers: 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 22

Daily Compatibility: Scorpio

Novelist Elizabeth Bowen wrote, “No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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