Thank goodness you’re wired for joy today, because when it comes to your love life, you’re going to have no problem letting go of the past as you focus on the passionate present and your fervent future.

This is a perfect moment to uncover truths which have eluded you recently, because you’re dedicated to the dreamy unfolding of your heart’s current journey.

You may also realize that you and someone you love have much deeper to go to realize the potential of your authentic, special connection right now.

Love might have a destined feel to it but could also feel unpredictable or unstable at the same time. This could make you a bit more uncertain or defensive, and you could find your efforts to get closer to a certain person encounter obstacles or resistance from them.

However, this probably has more to do with a special relationship evolving than major issues that need to be addressed.

You’re right to sense that something is shifting or strengthening with someone, even if much seems intangible or invisible at this time.

Your sign will be able to be very successful in love during this period because you will feel an interest from attractive people of the opposite sex or there will be more love pleasures and joyful events in the relationship with your beloved.

Tensions keeps you away from calmness, but you have to achieve it at all costs right now. Find time and patience and consider enriching yourself with new knowledge about your spiritual and intellectual growth.

Stay away from unnecessary disputes and conflicts. Your trips will be successful. Your insight will constantly surprise people in your environment, even though you have proved to be an excellent analysts.

Consider whether changes are in your favor. The planetary energy assists you in evaluating your progress toward certain goals. Greed harms you.

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