Give yourself permission to feel your romantic emotions in a profoundly honest way right now, particularly if there are deeper aspects to your revelations about someone you love at this moment.
You may even experience a joyful tear or two as you revel in the big feelings coming from your passionate depths and heartfelt epiphanies.
Be willing to dive into the hidden layers of a current love connection, particularly if you can feel the ecstasy welling up in your eyes — when that happens, you know you’re on the right track.
You might sense a wave of uncertainty or possibly negativity that has permeated your emotional world or one special connection is now starting to shift.
It could also become clear that you were wise to accept the limitations that surrounded your ability to bring the change unfolding on its own.
Time, they say, is the greatest healer and you could see evidence of that for yourself, now or very shortly.
You are currently in a period when it is possible to be attracted people who have the qualities of Saturn – careful, reliable, predictable or older than you.
If you overdo your desire to achieve order or your pedanticism, you will only complicate the relationships with people around you. You will feel very emotionally secure for the time of this celestial configuration. Do what you do best – take things one step at a time and be patient.
There are powerful changes occurring in your life on very subtle levels. Trips are in your favor now. The current planetary alignment will bring good news for you soon.
Consider whether you’re doing unsolicited good in order not to win an enemy. It’s better understand your misconduct now and get rid of your worries.