There’s no need to try to explain the serendipity you experience in your love life today, just notice it and be grateful for it.
Whether it’s the sensation of extrasensory perception that is helping you make a connection with a romantic interest or you’re receiving premonitions about your passionate future, matters of the heart don’t simply seem passionate at this time, they’re downright magical. Embrace this moment for the extraordinary potential that it holds now.
If you feel much in your emotional world or one special connection has become too predictable, then allow yourself to be drawn toward unexplored territory as this can amp up your love life in a delightful way.
New love life strategies beckon now and could lead you towards anything or anyone you may not have considered not long ago.
Be willing to be a little bit more experimental and maybe just a tiny bit more radical in the name of love. The effort will be worth it.
If you have been focused on other things, and have had to put your relationship to one side for a while, then you will certainly have to pick it up soon.
You enjoy the iron grip you usually have over your emotions. Now is a time for you to slow down and be more patient. There will be new people in your life who will bring new ideas and opportunities for revelation – they will help you look at your life from a different perspective.
Your mistakes may completely change your main objectives for the period, but that will be in your favor.
This is a time when you have to consider the more practical and materialistic aspects of your daily existence that will help bring a sense of perspective, which could be just what you need.
A journey, you may need to take, will be tense and related to unpleasant conversations which you’ll be obliged to carry through. You are at a time that allows you realization of your plans. If necessary, be compromising.