Ready to make some money moves, Cancer? At last, you can start to build the security you’ve been seeking! Until August 23, the Sun is visiting Leo and your stabilizing second house. You’ll have the focus and grit to buckle down—or at least, a sense of where to direct all those big ideas that have been swirling around you this year! With go-getter Mars also in Leo until August 18, you’ve got no shortage of motivation to hustle…as well as the confidence to pursue your target. Work could get really busy and demanding with Mars here, and you may have a few expenses that cause a strain. Stay in action instead of succumbing to stress. You’ve got this!

July was a HUGE month for you, starting with a July 2 total solar eclipse in Cancer that shook up your identity, plans and personal trajectory. Two weeks later, on July 16, the stars served up a lunar eclipse in your relationship house. As the zodiac sign ruled by the moon, you’re already impacted by la luna’s fluctuations. Throw in those transformational eclipses—in foundational zones of your chart—and you could feel like, “Who the heck am I anymore?” Now that some time has passed since the eclipses, you could have a sense of what to DO with all of this change.

And you’ll have even more success mapping a plan as the month progresses. On August 11, expansive Jupiter ends a four-month retrograde through Sagittarius and your sixth house of health, planning and organization. Growth-driven Jupiter is making a long trip through Sagittarius from November 8, 2018, until December 2, 2019, energizing your work and wellness efforts. Healthy living has been a central theme of 2019, and if you’ve been dealing with any medical issues, you’ve had the planet of good fortune acting on your behalf.

Since April 10, the planet of growth has been mired in a frustrating traffic jam, causing a few speed bumps in these areas. You may have felt more stressed and run down with ebullient Jupiter in sleep mode. Administrative tasks could have gotten waylaid, and many Crabs struggled to stick to any kind of schedule. Since the sixth house rules helpful people, you may have felt unsupported, or perhaps a trusty assistant went rogue. Your eating and exercise habits could have been all over the map, or maybe your recovery process from a medical matter hasn’t been progressing as quickly as you’d hoped.

Now that Jupiter is straightening out, prepare to seize the reins and bring some order back to the Cancerian court. The wellness wagon is circling, and you’d be wise to hop on. By the end of the year, your vitals—and your vitality—could reach peak levels if you start the self-care stat. A new work opportunity could arrive with Jupiter’s turnabout. Don’t rush, Crab: If you’re still figuring out your grand plans, you can always take a “bridge job” to pay the bills. Are your skills up to industry standards? Jupiter rules higher education, and between now and December 2, consider taking some courses to freshen or expand your skills and earn any required certifications. Position yourself for a better pay grade, then go shop yourself around or ask for that promotion.

Also on August 11, radical changemaker Uranus STARTS a five-month retrograde through Taurus and your collaborative eleventh house. Between now and January 10, there might be a few interruptions or curveballs to a team or technology project. A crew that you connected with could now feel out of sync, or maybe a friendship is in need of a serious, authentic air-clearing.

Back on March 6, Uranus settled into Taurus and this group-oriented part of your chart, awakening a surprising urge to connect with kindred spirits. This seven-year itch of a transit only happens every 84 years (Uranus was last here in 1942), so if life has become weirdly nomadic for your home-loving sign, it probably feels more than a bit surreal. May we remind you that the crab carries its house on its back? You do just fine out in the wider world as long as you have a few creature comforts. But if you’ve been feeling adrift or unmoored, this Uranian backspin is a wise time to retreat a little and get back to base camp. Reconnect with old friends who celebrate your individuality AND feel comfortable enough for you to be yourself around. With tech-savvy Uranus retrograde in this uber-connected zone, it’s a great time to do a little audit of your social media and online presence. Update all your profiles and try Googling yourself. If you don’t like what comes up in the search results, use this backspin to get some fresh content onto the interwebs with your name, flattering photos and recent accomplishments.

Craving deep privacy? Reserve August 15 for that, when the year’s only Aquarius full moon spotlights your eighth house of intimacy, secrets and shared finances. As the zodiac’s moon child, you’re always impacted by the phases of la luna. This one invites you to take a deep dive into your emotions, really processing how you feel about the rapid and powerful changes that 2019 has served up for you.

One special person could figure into events under these merger-minded moonbeams. With your erotic eighth house on fire, a sizzling connection could consummate. Some Crabs might decide to make things officially official with an engagement, plans to move in together or a joint property purchase. This full moon also spotlights wealth and joint ventures. With a conclusive full moon here, you might hear word on a real estate transaction, a legal settlement or an investment. If you’ve been dealing with debt, a tax bill or looming credit card costs, this full moon can help you regain control.

Your social side bubbles right back up a week later, when the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Virgo and your third house of communication and local events. After a productive three weeks, you’re ready to hang out and mingle again. Energetic Mars also shifts into Virgo from August 18 to October 3, making everything from the morning meeting to the organic market checkout line ripe for lively interactions. Prepare for some spirited debates and straight-shooting conversations. One caution: With candidly direct Mars here, watch an argumentative streak.

When the Virgo new moon arrives on August 30, an opportunity to join forces with a kindred spirit might arise. A brainstorming session or conversation can spark major synergies. This meeting of the minds could turn into a bigger project that unfolds over the next six months. Explore slowly with a low-risk trial to test whether your working styles really mesh.

At this new moon, a sibling, neighbor or colleague may figure into events. Open the door to more honest conversation. If you’ve been talking a lot lately, ask questions. Or if you’ve been keeping things to yourself, open up. Looking for some new places to hang out or even live? Explore different neighborhoods, head to a concert or festival or sign up for a workshop to explore your curiosity. Lead with a sense of discovery and openness: the perfect segue into a new season.

VIAOriginally posted on AstroStyle
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