Flex those wings, Cancer! You’re the reigning monarch of all social butterflies this week, as cosmic copilots Venus and Mars glide into a rare and harmonious trine (120-degree angle) on Wednesday, April 11.

This auspicious formation could mark a happy turning point for your social life. At last! You may discover a deep sense of belonging within a group; or, you could meet “your people,” a squad of kindred spirits who see the world through a similar lens. Get out and mingle; explore new scenes. While you need your fair share of alone time, you thrive in the company of the right tribe.

Already surrounded with a rich soul squad? This is your week to play Superconnector and bring them all together. Make introductions, even consider hosting a get-together near Wednesday. If you’re not up for organizing a cheese platter and springing for wine, just invite everyone to your favorite after-work spot.

And since Mars is in your seventh house of romance while Venus is mingling in your teamwork zone, there could be a shining star in the group who you suddenly realize you’d like to get to know better. The friend zone isn’t such a bad place to find love; in fact, that strategy can work well for your slower-to-warm-up sign.

A creative collaborator or partner for a professional venture could also emerge. Mars is revving up your tech sector, so if you feel like doing some right-swiping, Wednesday might bring that lucky match.

If you’re already in a relationship, have a talk about your vision of love. With all this “ask, believe, receive” energy flowing around, you may decide to take a big leap together, like trading apartment keys or making appointments to be sized for rings.

If all that social energy distracts you during the workweek, fear not. By the time Sunday rolls around, you’ll actually WANT to make up for lost time.

Early in the day, Mercury pivots out of a three-week retrograde and powers ahead through Aries and your career zone until May 13.

Roadblocks that plagued you since March 22 will disappear over the coming few weeks, while stalled missions may finally achieve liftoff. If you’ve been clashing with a coworker (perhaps someone in upper management or a newbie who resents YOUR authority), the air will soon clear.

Did you get behind on communications? Make a list of all the people you need to contact, the proposals and documents you need to send, and any power lunches you need to schedule. Next Monday, your first order of business will be to check off every one of those items!

Work goals get a second reboot later on Sunday, when the year’s only new moon in go-getter Aries joins Mercury in revving up your ambitious tenth house. Take time Sunday afternoon to set six-month goals for your career.

Then, get proactive over the next two weeks while la luna is smiling on your success strategy. Do you need to be more of a face at industry events or company mixers? Or is it perhaps time to branch off in a new direction and even become your own boss?

This lunar lift will help you get big plans in motion! Look ahead to the corresponding full moon in Aries on September 24. Where would you like to be working then, and—more importantly for your personable sign—with whom? Think big, act boldly, and align your path to your passions. /TheAstroTwins

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