Shift into focus mode, Cancer, and don’t let idle chatter distract you—nope, not even if a coworker tears the cellophane off the Olive and Cocoa basket to pass around and share.
On Thursday, December 20, the Sun in your industrious sixth house dances an electrifying pas de deux with Uranus in your career zone, which could launch you to a new level of professional success.
If you want to wrap 2018 with an extra plume of feathers in your cap, you may have to make like a menorah and burn one last bit of (midnight) oil. While it’s not exactly fun to show up late to holiday parties, that last little push could be everything!
Of course, who says sacrificing fun is necessary? Can you delegate any grunt work; streamline your systems even more? With tech-savvy Uranus spurring you on this Thursday, you may hit on the perfect app—or virtual assistant—to make your life 1,000 times easier.
Maybe you’ve been so caught up in your work that you’ve forgotten to let the powers that be know what you’re up to. Set up a performance review or request an offsite power lunch so you can bring them up to speed.
To reward yourself for work well done, hop on Facebook with a timeline humblebrag or post an Instagram showing off your latest achievements. Think of it this way: If YOU don’t command people’s attention, a competitor just might. The squeaking wheel gets the oil!
On Friday, December 21, the Sun kicks off its annual month-long visit to Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships. Good luck getting a spot of time to yourself during this four-week circuit.
For single Crabs, the urge to merge will grow stronger, and a promising relationship could turn into something sweetly exclusive before January 20. Already attached? Give your S.O. the sexiest gift of all—your undivided attention.
And since the Sun illuminates whatever it shines on, unions that are going through a rough patch will get a wakeup call. If you care to keep these bonds strong, make time for the requisite tete-a-tetes and TLC.
We don’t have to tell YOU, Cancer, that solid relationships are a matter of give and take and actually caring about the other’s happiness. Business partnerships will get a favorable boost from these sunbeams.
Make a budget for legal fees, so you can make these promising alliances contract-official—and protect your I.P. and your serenity in the process.
Saturday is like an early New Year for you as the full moon beams into your sign for the second time in 2018. (The first one was actually this past NYD, January 1, 2018.) Spend a little more time in “hair and makeup,” whether that means booking a salon appointment or zhushing in the bathroom mirror.
Under this head-turning lunation, you’ll shine like the tree in Trafalgar Square. Of course, while you may have your parade wave mastered, you’re not always comfortable with all eyes on you. Nevertheless, don’t run from this well-deserved attention.
You’ve earned it, Cancer, so why deny people the chance to sing your praises? If you’ve been conforming to standards that just aren’t authentic switch up your strategy—to thine own self be true!
Even if that means diverging from the pack on certain issues, follow YOUR guidance and believe that all the answers you need live inside of you. Sure, you may have to meditate or journal or even talk to a neutral sounding board to distill your own truth.
But a powerful message lies in your psyche. Carve out time this weekend to sit in quiet solitude and download the wisdom of your own inner voice.
You may rise from your meditation cushion with a white light realization that it’s time for a major change—OR that you’re more grateful than you realized for the life that you’re living.
/Based On Materials From TheAstroTwins