Hello, genius disruptor! This week, you can break through any plateaus—or perceived glass ceilings—by putting your raw talent on display for all to see.

On Wednesday, action planet Mars forms a rare mashup with revolutionary Uranus in Aries and your tenth house of career success. While these two stalwarts meet up once every other year, they won’t unite in this chart sector again for another 80 years, so it behooves you to attempt something monumental today!

If you’ve been sitting on a big idea or have targeted THE perfect person to team up with or turn to for funding, reach out. You’ve been waiting a long time for an opportunity like this, so even if it’s a little scary, down that double shot of courage and take a leap of faith.

In every game, there are “winners” and “losers,” and when your moment comes along, don’t hesitate to grab for the brass ring. This planetary power surge won’t let you fly under the radar.

And if someone takes offense to your bold ambitions, cut them a wide berth and redouble your efforts. With Uranus driving this Bullet train, “same old” won’t cut it. This is the ideal moment to reveal your boldest, most innovative and creative ideas!

The very next day, Thursday, Mars packs up his gear and chugs onward: into Taurus and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology, where he’ll deliver a social adrenaline rush you may not have felt in two years. Think back to that time: What were you most excited about?

Did you develop any new close connections or launch a digital venture? This is a chance to build on that by taking any successful undertaking to the next level or starting something brand-spanking-new.

Mars will be here, heating up all kinds of group activities, until March 31, so this is your warning to poke out of your protective shell and chat up strangers for mutual benefit. But keep those Cancer Spidey senses sharp: Some undeserving types might try to catch a “halo effect” from your glow, which is not the balanced relationship you seek.

Be selective and make sure anyone you’ve targeted has the brains, inspiration AND energy to keep pace with you. If you bring someone onboard with a proprietary project, have them sign a nondisclosure agreement. Your intellectual property is an asset worth protecting!

Thursday, as you may have heard, is also Valentine’s Day, and this year Cupid has already got you in an upbeat, lighthearted mood about his big day. With lusty Mars in sensual Taurus and your social sector and amorous Venus in your partnership house, you’ll be (almost) as happy to celebrate with your crew as one special someone.

Whether you have a date or not, this is a night to honor all the deep connections in your life, including your family. If you do go out, make it memorable.

Spring for the best seats or vintage champagne, be effusive in your expressions of affection. Single? Should your eyes catch a sexy stranger’s, don’t stand on ceremony waiting for them to make the first move. Go over and say hello!

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