It’s sizzle season for Sagittarians, and this week brings the highlight! On Wednesday, February 13, impassioned Mars merges with unrestrained Uranus in Aries and your amorous, creative and hotter-than-a-bonfire fifth house!

While these two feisty planets meet up once every other year, they won’t be conjunct in this realm again for another 80 years. Whether you want to make art or love, you’ll be firing on all cylinders.

Your exuberant sign isn’t known for reining yourself in, and under this one-day, potentially game-changing mashup, you won’t even remember there’s such a thing as a bit and bridle! Romantic attractions could take off at a gallop—and you won’t be worried about where this is all leading.

Single Archers might not have to do a thing to win the attention of several suitors. As long as somewhere in the back of your head you’re doing your own version of reality check, it’s safe to make the most of this mesmerizingly seductive energy. Attached? You can go from zero to committed in a heartbeat—but before you do, make sure that’s actually what you want.

It’ll be all too easy to get swept up in the drama of everything swirling around you. And if for any reason, love isn’t your drug, throw yourself in a creative passion project. You can summon your muse simply by giving your undivided attention to your masterpiece.

As wild as Wednesday is, Thursday’s stars can bring you straight down to reality. Mars takes leave of your steamy fifth house and heads into Taurus and your sixth house of work, service, health and self-care until March 31.

The motivational planet hasn’t stepped foot in this region for two years, and there may be a lot of work for him to attend to! How’s your vitality and your energy? How organized is your office and your desktop?

These aren’t tangential issues you can ignore forever, Sag. With the action planet storming through this zone, you WILL be held accountable. Access your needs, prioritize them and then come up with a game plan.

Since the sixth house also rules helpful people, you may decide you need some professional support. Ask around and see who has a reliable assistant—or IS one. True, you will have to invest a little time training them, but the right person will have an affinity for your systems and, if you’re lucky, may actually improve upon them. Score!

Thursday is also Valentine’s Day, which hopefully you haven’t overlooked in your zeal to streamline your workflow and book all those massages and dental appointments! While this year Cupid has more of a chill plan in mind for you, that doesn’t mean it has to be a snoozefest.

With Venus in grounded Capricorn and your practical second house AND lusty Mars in sensual Taurus, you’re saving your best stuff for one special someone. Got a date? Glam up a bit, plan a romantic (if quiet) evening—perhaps Chez Sagittarius with a Duraflame in the fireplace.

Even if you’re unattached, you probably won’t enjoy the “singles scene.” Save that mission for another night and just enjoy a wonderful meal with a good friend—splurging on a great wine or decadent dessert to toast your enduring relationship.

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