Right on time to lend an assist with some of your New Year’s resolutions, high-minded Venus jogs into Sagittarius and your sixth house of wellbeing on Monday, January 7.
But no need to hit the “extreme” button, Crab! With beautifying Venus powering up the Vitamix and leading the Spin class, adopting a greener, fitter and more active lifestyle is actually doable—fun, even!
Don’t focus on “deprivation”; reframe these next four weeks as a cosmically supported opportunity to reignite your lit-from-within glow. What happened during the holidays stays with the holidays, and they’re done and dusted!
You probably enjoyed your share of (over)indulging—perhaps a little excessively while the pleasure-seeking planet was in your festive fifth house. And now the pendulum is swinging the other way as she rolls through your zone of health and self-care.
With winter in full force, it’s important to rev up your immune system and keep it strong enough to fight any seasonal germs you may encounter. Eat plenty of dark leafy greens, sauté your meals with some onion, garlic and ginger (if you eat those things) and keep white flour and sugar products to a bare minimum.
Between now and February 3, do your best to incorporate movement into your daily life. If the budget can accommodate it, treat yourself to a few private training sessions to motivate you and make sure your form is on point.
And because Venus is still the planet of romance, health-positive behavior could lead to a love connection. When you feel good, you project your best self—which is simply irresistible!
Regardless of your relationship status, you don’t have to wait for February 14 to wave your flirty, lusty flag. Friday’s skies feature a rare and galvanizing alignment of the radiant Sun and transformational Pluto in Capricorn and your seventh house of dynamic duets.
This could be a game-changing day, so make sure you know what it is you’re interested in. Already attached? Could your bond use some super-glue? Are there issues you’ve been sweeping under the rug—and keep tripping over?
Activator Pluto can empower you enough to broach a dicey subject. If you’ve been harboring a secret crush on someone—or suspect someone has been checking YOU out—this transit encourages you to make an audacious move.
Pluto rules the underworld and all things hidden, so when you’re dressing for tonight, don’t overlook your undergarments. A little sexy surprise can work like magic!
This Sunday, you may need to hit pause to review and integrate everything that’s happened this past week, which, when you think about it, is a LOT!
Philosophical Jupiter is touring your sixth house of organization, wellness and self-care, and taking care of Numero Uno entails more than healthy meals and exercise.
Take mental inventory of your thoughts and stress levels to make sure you’re not sabotaging yourself with negativity or trying to accomplish more than is humanly possible.
On Sunday, when Jupiter forms its first (of three) collisions with chimerical Neptune, you may discover aspects of yourself that you’ve been keeping under wraps. Jupiter brings honesty and wisdom, and during this transit, you might be able to distinguish imagined or projected fears from reality.
But you have to be willing to walk away from anything that’s not supporting your highest dreams. For the record, the next two Jupiter-Neptune squares are on June 16 and September 21, but this is a theme that will resonate throughout the year.