Come out, come out wherever you are! You may have gone into hiding—or wished you could have—for the past few months while amorous Venus took up residence in Scorpio and your private and introspective twelfth house.
The frisky love planet left your social sector on September 9 and spent most of the last four months under deep cover. That’s not to imply there’s been NO action, but we’ll bet you’re ready to make some bold changes.
Even if your romantic life has been fine, you may have felt more reserved and introverted than usual. All that is set to shift on Monday, January 7, as Venus blazes across the horizon and into your optimistic sign until February 3.
Your mojo returns with a vengeance, and you’ll have a new lease on your love life. Happily unattached Archers may have twice as much fun playing the field. Don’t overthink the swiping game.
Just say yes and figure out if you’re actually interested later. If you feel the spark, throw another log on the fire! Couples will have no trouble getting the passion flowing again, and the more, erm, experimental the better.
Laughter is the best medicine, but some heart-pounding romps in hotel beds are a close second. And while you’re expanding your horizons, how about a snowboarding vacation or a trekking expedition through ancient Mayan ruins?
Before the week comes to a close, you may find yourself pondering the age-old question: Is your money working as hard for you as you are for it? On Friday, the enlightening Sun merges with game-changing Pluto in Capricorn and your second house of money and security.
Pluto is associated with unseen factors—and shared resources—and its once-a-year mashup with the Sun can help you identify any counterproductive habits or missed financial opportunities. Just plunking down a certain amount per paycheck in a traditional savings account isn’t going to make you rich.
Even in this volatile market, the name of the game is smart investing, whether in the stock market, real estate or other sectors. First you need to know your goals—and your “risk tolerance”—and then get up to speed.
Already “in the game”? Do a 2019 preview to make sure you’re on track. But if this is all new to you, it’s time to educate yourself, perhaps with a financial adviser. Ask savvy friends or someone at your bank for recommendations.
If you’re an entrepreneur, this may be the year to invest in consultants who can help you put together a savvy business plan or growth strategy for the next stage of the game.
You may need to tap the brakes on Sunday, when your ruler, boundless Jupiter, in your sign gets checked by hazy Neptune in your family sector. YOU may be ready to rush ahead with a personal pursuit, but someone else may be in “crisis” mode.
Given that you have a finite amount of time and energy, you might have to make a tough call about how much to get involved. With befuddling Neptune in the picture, you may not be able to get an accurate read on the situation.
Offer your support and let them know you’re there if they TRULY need you, but a better tack is to boost their confidence and encourage them to trust their own instincts.
This is the first of three Jupiter-Neptune squares in 2019 (the next two are on June 16 and September 21), so chances are, this won’t the end of it.