Set a nice place for messenger Mercury this Tuesday, June 12 as it wings into your sign until June 29.

Given Mercury’s ability to talk to anyone, you’ll be the belle of every ball you attend, even if that “ball” is a carpool karaoke road trip to visit your college roomie. You need only to smile to win people’s attention and, if conversation flows in the right direction, their loyalty.

Got a passion project that needs more support—or funding? Vibe the perfect moment to broach the subject, but when you do, don’t hold back. Someone is looking to get on-board with exactly that kind of initiative!

What do YOU need in order to be better prepared for what lies ahead? Could you benefit from a skills-enhancing workshop or webinar that not only gives you the chops you need but helps clear any limiting beliefs that are blocking your path to prosperity?

Mercury’s visit can inspire you to do the necessary research, fill in any applications and become an information sponge. Associate with successful people who can serve as solid role models AND point the way to get there yourself.

On Wednesday, the year’s only new moon in Gemini lands in your twelfth house of letting go, healing and transitions. This process could take a while—but if you’re truly “over” this person, situation or limiting behavior, rip that Band-Aid right off and let the healing begin!

Everyone has a shadow side, Cancer, yet when we pretend we don’t or try to run from it, we give it even more power. But when you acknowledge it and actually embrace it, you can win your independence from it. This isn’t a matter of figuring out what’s “wrong” with you:

It’s more like a personal vision quest to greater self-awareness. This annual lunar lift helps you take an unblinking look at your inner world and gain (or regain) control. A great way to productively harness all that emotional intensity is through a creative project.

You don’t have to be a painter or musician to produce something meaningful. This is about translating the “inner you” into a work that you can share with others. Or not!

Roll out the welcome mat—love planet Venus is coming to town! (Or, more accurately, to Leo and your sensual second house.) Between now and July 9, single Crabs could meet someone worth peeking out of your shell for.

You’ll know this person has keeper potential because they’re open-minded, generous, eager to partner up—and into playing games about as little as you are. If you’ve been on a low boil with someone, it’s time to either turn up the heat or take the pot off the stove altogether.

You’re ready for a real relationship, and the longer you keep this back door open, the longer you’ll block a worthy candidate from coming in the front! For couples, this Venus transit can deepen your bond.

If things have settled into a comfortable but decidedly unsexy groove, you can spice things up now without losing the sweet sense of trust and familiarity you’ve established. Become more conscious of the joy you find in doing things together, like snuggling on the sofa, cooking great meals and fluffing each other’s pillows.

On Thursday, Venus forms a combustible angle with game-changing Uranus. Be careful not to bring up anything that could spark an argument. Of course, if you LIKE the idea of a little exciting unpredictability, then go ahead and see where it takes you. /by TheAstroTwins

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