Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
You are champing at the bit, waiting for the starting gate to open. But nothing is happening and your frustration is growing faster than your logic can handle. This is a particularly delicate moment because the race will begin soon, and you need to be in top mental form and excellent fighting condition.
You must find a way to settle your nerves and be content until your moment arrives. Joyce Meyer wrote, Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
You have a lot on your mind today, but aren’t sure how much you want to share with anyone else. Your closest friends encourage you to spill the beans, but you don’t think they will be happy with your message. The truth is they will likely appreciate what you say, but not how you say it.
You may be more intense than you realize now, and your passionate declaration could inadvertently alienate others. If you use a gentle and sensitive tone, you won’t need to water down your words. Author Kevin J. Anderson wrote, A moment of consideration often prevents a thousand apologies.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
You might feel as if no one really understands you today, even if you’re careful about choosing the right words to convey your ideas. You can go over the same points again and again, but to no avail while the rowdy Sagittarius Moon hooks up with retrograde Mercury in your 7th House of Others. Make sure to complete your first thought before jumping to the next one. It is not about how much you say; it is the content of your message that matters. Instead, concentrate on a single concept, take your time and drive it home.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
Sometimes the tiniest changes made at the right moment in time can ripple outward and create significant consequences. Acknowledging the importance of every little thing you do helps you to remain focused today so your actions are not wasted.
But don’t be afraid to try something new, even if you’re unsure of its efficacy. A few false starts are to be expected when so many planets are visiting starry-eyed Sagittarius. Ariana Huffington wrote, Failure is not the opposite of success; its part of success.
Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
You can magically transform a dire message of warning into a sweet love song today. In fact, you’re able to use your charm to soften harsh news without whitewashing the truth.
However, once you start talking, you might get so carried away by your own enthusiasm that you forget to pull your punches and end up doing damage, even if your intentions are honorable. Think before you speak. Less is more when it comes to matters of the heart.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
Naturally, you want to do the right thing today, but you might not be capable of meeting your own expectations. Rather than falling short of your high standards, you may decide to let the moment slide without taking any action at all.
Although retreating to a safe space could feel good in the moment, it’s not productive — and having something to show for your efforts is crucial to your emotional well-being. Author Paulo Coelho wrote, “The reward of our work is not what we get, but what we become.”
Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
Your schedule is full of people to see, places to go and errands to finish. You love being busy now, even if it keeps you from indulging in a relaxing day of peace and quiet. But there’s no rest for the wicked, and you aren’t likely to cut back on your commitments when you’re having so much fun. Your eyes twinkle with mischief when you imagine the sheer variety of activities that stretch out before you. Dr. Seuss wrote, Oh the places you’ll go. Today is your day!
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
Although your confidence is growing, lingering caution impedes your progress. You fear that you’re like a satellite ready to be launched into orbit, yet there isn’t sufficient fuel to achieve escape velocity.
Timing is everything. You believe you only have one chance to manifest your dreams, but this false sense of urgency is a trap you must avoid now. Do not let your attention wander; the strength of your convictions will ultimately propel you to new heights.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
It is all too easy for your thoughts to get so far ahead of your actions that you cant keep up today. In fact, you might feel as if you’re stuck in a weird time loop, like you’re experiencing your own private Groundhogs Day.
However, its less about learning a lesson now than it is about waiting until next week when Mercury turns direct in your sign. Nevertheless, reconsidering your plans and reassessing your feelings ensure a smooth journey once you’re cleared for takeoff.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
You can visualize the light at the end of the tunnel today, yet everything remains entrenched in darkness. You know deep down that your ambitious efforts will eventually be rewarded, and you will reach your mountain peak.
However, there doesn’t seem to be a clear and direct route from the present moment into the future. Although your calculations are typically based on logistics and practicalities, faith is your current ticket to satisfaction. Marilyn Monroe said, The sky is not the limit. Your mind is.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
Hanging out with friends sounds like the perfect way to idle away the day. You’re not feeling particularly ambitious now, but the notion of sharing your dreams with like-minded people brings a smile to your face.
Unfortunately, a social gathering might not be as lively as you expect, especially if everyone is absorbed in their own personal stories today. Nevertheless, simply being in the same space together prevents you from feeling lonely or alienated. Practicing cautious optimism allows for the possibility of manifesting magic when the time is right.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – Dec 17, 2017
There are several unknowns lurking in the shadows today and you want to figure out what to do about them. You wish you could map out the workweek ahead so you know what will be expected of you along the way.
However, you might be required to wing it now. Flying by the seat of your pants isn’t your favorite modus operandi, but it may be the best way to reach your desired destination. Lao Tzu wrote, A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.