
You believe you can talk about nearly anything today, no matter how dicey or delicate the topic. Luckily, you receive a fair amount of cosmic support and it would be sad to waste this opportunity to share what’s on your mind. However, you still could get swept up in your passion if you are not careful.

Remembering the advantage of emotional detachment can save the day. Pema Chodron said, “Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”


People are very receptive to hearing about your latest plans, especially when your enthusiasm is so contagious. Fortunately, you are very astute in your observations today, and your clear thinking enables you to explain your ideas without rambling on aimlessly.

Although you might be hesitant at first to say anything at all, you’re thrilled when others offer you positive feedback and useful suggestions. Your simple declaration could lead to an in-depth discussion about your feelings, even if you meant to keep everything on the conceptual level. Munshi Premchand wrote, “Trust is the first step to love.”


You may grow annoyed enough to tell someone off today, but they could be so sympathetic with your situation that they don’t even notice your anger. Instead, people are offering to help you over the current obstacles. Nevertheless, their assistance isn’t what you really need now.

The truth is you are entirely capable of untangling any misunderstandings on your own. A friendly ear and a strong shoulder will do the trick; you’re not looking to be rescued, only heard.


Although you appreciate the emotional support from those who respect you, you wish there was a little more distance between you and other people now. Naturally, you love that someone cares enough to go out of their way for you, but you don’t want anyone to make a fuss today.

In fact, you’re at your happiest moving through the day sight unseen. You can slip away for a short escape, but a full-scale retreat is unlikely at this time. Willie Nelson said, “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”


Someone may appear on the scene unsolicited to shout your message from the mountaintop. At first, you’re unsure if you like the idea of anyone speaking for you, but they might do such a good job that you’re quickly converted.

Rather than overreacting because you’re too proud to accept help, reserve your judgement until you see how the situation plays out. Be open-minded about the possibility of collaboration. Think with your head, not with your pride.


You prefer to do things your own way and your attention to details normally works to your advantage because you like to build on tradition. You’re usually happy to repeat an established routine if it works, since reliability typically outweighs innovation in your mind.

However, you might be ready to throw caution to the wind today if you think you can increase your competitive edge in your race against the clock. Businessman Bob Iger said, “The riskiest thing we can do is just maintain the status quo.”


Your career ambitions may take a back seat today, especially if you’re ready for a day of rest and relaxation. But your current laid-back attitude is only a temporary pit stop on the road to your future. Although you might not seem very driven to others now, your internal cerebral activity is on overdrive.

You’re uninterested in following someone else’s map to reach your destination; instead you’re eager to come up with a unique strategy to ensure your happiness and professional success. Peter F. Drucker wrote, “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.”


You approach your emotions from an intellectual position today, enabling you to dig even deeper into your motives. You’re certainly not scared of your own shadow; it’s just that climbing down into the rabbit hole is lots easier than climbing back up.

Nevertheless, exploring the unknown from the safety of your own home is exactly what you need to do now. Exercising caution and common sense is the key to unlocking the mysteries of your heart.


Someone may be talking directly to you, but you can’t decipher much of anything they say. Paradoxically, paying extra attention won’t likely make the message more intelligible. Rather than working yourself into a state of high anxiety today, quit trying to establish meaning from everything.

Sometimes it’s more important to accept a person just as they are rather than to understand them. Author T.F. Hodge wrote, “Not every instance requires a response. Truth resides silently in the seat of power.”


You’re fuzzy about the specifics of a job today, leaving you unsure of your next move. You hear the assignment yet you’re at a loss as to where to begin and how to divide up your time in the service of this secret operation.

There are so many pieces to the current jigsaw puzzle that you might feel uncharacteristically overwhelmed. There’s no more time for excuses; there’s only one way to begin a large project and that is to get started. Lean on your experience and your confidence will follow.


Letting someone see past your wall of illusion changes everything now, opening your world to the possibilities ahead. It requires an impressive act of courage to express your feelings since you don’t know how people will react today.

Nevertheless, your integrity is at stake because you want your actions to be consistent with your emotions. John Lennon said, “Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it’ll always get you the right ones.”


You’re willing to discuss a problem that’s bothering you now, but you don’t want anyone poking around in your personal business. Unfortunately, your current craving for privacy leaves you with a serious dilemma. On one hand, you need help; on the other hand, you won’t let someone help you.

Honor your intuition if it tells you to remain quiet today. In the meantime, enjoy the simple pleasure of hanging out with your friends without any preconceived agenda. Count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms.

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